
Corinne Weaver | April 29, 2019

Facebook seems to struggle with the concept of transparency, especially when it comes to how it goes about banning and censoring content.

The mystery was somewhat illuminated when a journalist from the The Telegraph (U.K.)was allowed to…

Corinne Weaver | April 25, 2019

Apparently it’s easier to just pay fines than it is to make active changes to a site’s privacy policies — when your Big Tech company is big enough.

In the last quarter, Facebook pulled in more than $15 billion in revenue…

Corinne Weaver | April 25, 2019

Facebook is subtly trying to discredit conservative media as “conspiracy theories” and it’s using Wikipedia to do it.

The company’s latest policy update, “Expanding Our Fact-Checking Program,” included…

Alexander Hall | April 24, 2019

One way to fight Big Tech tyranny might be a new Texas bill that aims to stop companies from discriminating against conservative viewpoints. 

The bill by Republican state Sen. Bryan Hughes would prevent Big Tech companies from…

Corinne Weaver | April 23, 2019

Election manipulation is something the media have typically associated with Russians. But one liberal billionaire funnelled 56 times more money into manipulating content to win elections than the Russians.

News for Democracy, a political…

Corinne Weaver | April 22, 2019

Social media platforms have pledged to rid their sites of “hate” and “terrorism.” But after the horrific bombing in Sri Lanka that killed nearly 300 Christians on Easter, they have remained strangely silent.

Corinne Weaver | April 19, 2019

Social media platforms and Big Tech companies have been slowly working to censor content on their platforms more efficiently.

Emma Llanso, Director of Free Expression at the Center for Democracy and Technology, wrote in an op-ed for Wired…

Alexander Hall | April 19, 2019

Social media companies are going to have to come up with a solution for privacy scandals. Otherwise, the government will do it for them and their bosses won’t like it.

On Thursday, two sources told NBC News that regulators are…

Corinne Weaver | April 18, 2019

Ideological diversity is crucial when it comes to building a well-balanced fact-checking team. But the left won’t accept anyone who isn’t on their side.

Facebook’s controversial fact-checking program announced on April…

Corinne Weaver | April 16, 2019

Data gathered from millions of individual users was apparently handed out as gifts at Facebook.

In a new leak published by NBC, it was determined that Facebook did not sell data to third-party companies or advertisers. Instead, that data…

Alexander Hall | April 12, 2019

Google has joined other tech companies in trying to explain its bias against the pro-life film, Unplanned. 

Unplanned is the story of Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson, experienced a profound change of heart after…

Alexander Hall | April 12, 2019

At the Senate Judiciary hearing on April 10, Republican senators went beyond establishing the liberal biases of Silicon Valley social media giants, and questioned the very idea of “hate speech.” Senator Ted Cruz proclaimed not only…

Corinne Weaver | April 11, 2019

Facebook has struggled with the concept of freedom of expression for some time now. But now the platform is interested in ignoring it more openly. In fact, the platform has been “reducing the spread of problematic content that does not…

Corinne Weaver | April 10, 2019

At the Senate Judiciary hearing on April 10, Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) grilled Facebook and Twitter on their censorship policies, especially of conservative and pro-life content during the Senate Judiciary hearing on April 10.


Corinne Weaver | April 8, 2019

Another Senate hearing probing into the treatment of free speech at social media companies is scheduled to happen on April 10.

The hearing, “Stifling Free Speech: Technological Censorship and the Public Discourse,” will be…

Corinne Weaver | April 2, 2019

Facebook has tried to filter out what it considers to be “fake news” in many different failed attempts. Now it wants to try again.

In an interview, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg stated that he was interested in building a…

Alexander Hall | April 2, 2019

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s call for regulation wasn’t well received by FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr.

Zuckerberg urged governments get involved navigating the issues of “harmful content, election integrity, privacy…

Alexander Hall | April 1, 2019

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg called for government regulation to meet the challenges of “harmful content, election integrity, privacy and data portability,” in a Washington Post op-ed on March 30. In the piece, Zuckerberg stated that…

Corinne Weaver | March 28, 2019

Social media companies are changing the definition of what counts as “hate speech” by the day.

In a new blog post, Facebook announced that it was “Standing Against Hate,” by increasing the amount of content that…

Corinne Weaver | March 22, 2019

Between censorship of conservatives and leaking private data to the world, social media companies are not really winning the trust and loyalty of their users. Now Facebook shot itself in the foot by mishandling millions of passwords.

In a…