
Corinne Weaver | October 8, 2019

Democrats want to persecute any business, person, or group that has helped or even simply not hindered President Donald Trump. Even top social media companies.

Senator and Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren came after Facebook on…

Alexander Hall | October 7, 2019

Facebook is taking a free-speech approach to political campaign ads, and letting users decide what is or is not fake news. Naturally, the left is upset about it.

President Trump’s re-election campaign launched a new ad both on…

Corinne Weaver | October 7, 2019

The liberal media are ready to redefine social media platforms as something only they can use freely. 

Harvard Kennedy School’s Joan Donovan and Data and Society head Danah Boyd wrote in a white paper that tech companies were…

Alexander Hall | October 3, 2019

So much for the Declaration of Independence? The top court in the European Union ruled that Facebook, an American company, must delete content globally if a European court deems it defamatory. 

As the Court of Justice of the European…

Corinne Weaver | October 2, 2019

Facebook is once more attempting to be seen as neutral, with a new decision about fact-checking. And the left isn’t happy about it.

The social media giant will no longer fact-check opinion pieces and satire on its platform,…

Corinne Weaver | September 25, 2019

Facebook may just have admitted the harm that fact-checking does to content.

In a new blog post written by Facebook’s Vice President of Global Affairs Nick Clegg, the social media platform announced that it was not going to fact-…

Corinne Weaver | September 23, 2019

The general consensus among Americans is that Big Tech companies should be broken up for violating antitrust behavior. 

In a poll from YouGov and the thinktank Data for Progress, 60 percent of Republicans agreed that tech companies…

Corinne Weaver | September 23, 2019

A podcast interview with CNN’s executive Vice President Andrew Morse revealed three crucial facts about CNN’s outlook on the forms of media. 

Morse told Variety’s Strictly Business podcast that CNN.com does not rely…

Alexander Hall | September 20, 2019

Facebook apparently knows that it made a mistake with the pro-life community. 

On Thursday September 19, Live Action founder and president Lila Rose tweeted “BREAKING: In a meeting today with @HawleyMO, Mark Zuckerberg said @…

Alexander Hall | September 19, 2019

Facebook admitted in court that it is a private publisher, not a free platform, proving its conservative critics correct.

Conservative pundit Chadwick Moore tweeted an article by tech blog ReclaimTheNet, writing, “Facebook just…

Corinne Weaver | September 18, 2019

In the digital country that Facebook is building, with currency, a population of 2.38 billion, and a corporate oligarchy, a new Oversight Board will act as a sort of Supreme Court. 

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced on September…

Corinne Weaver | September 16, 2019

 Fact-checkers have been given an enormous amount of authority over what news stays and what cannot be allowed to flourish on Facebook.

Pro-life organization Live Action found this out the hard way last week, after the platform was…

Corinne Weaver | September 12, 2019

Fox News apparently does not meet the standards for Facebook’s idea of journalism. 

Facebook’s newest feature, the News Tab, hasn’t even debuted and already it shows signs of bias against conservatives. According to…

Corinne Weaver, Alexander Hall | September 12, 2019

Facebook relies on the analysis of fact checkers to determine whether it should limit or boost media outlets. This backfires when the fact checkers are being investigated. 

The International Fact Checking Network announced that it…

Corinne Weaver | September 10, 2019

Another investigation into big tech’s business practices has been launched, this time from the states. 

50 attorneys general and 48 states announced a probe into Google on September 9 for practices that “may have led to…

Alexander Hall | September 5, 2019

Hundreds of millions of Facebook users’ phone numbers have been exposed online to the public.

According to TechCrunch’s September 4 story, a compromised server exposed over 419 million users across multiple countries, “…

Alexander Hall | September 4, 2019

The left is trying to steer Facebook into doing more censorship. 

Sen. Ron Wyden, (D-OR) proclaimed that Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg should face dire consequences for how he has chosen to run the platform. However, he also…

Corinne Weaver | September 4, 2019

Democrat presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke’s campaign would like to stop all fake news … except for the disinformation that Beto himself brings to the table. 

The campaign got angry after a rumor was spread on…

Alexander Hall | September 3, 2019

After discovering Instagram’s plan to “hide the public like counts of photos,” reverse engineer Jane Manchun Wong observed that Facebook may follow suit.

In her September 2, blog, she made clear that she works at neither…

Corinne Weaver | September 3, 2019

Facebook chose a side in the abortion debate and is actively working to suppress pro-life content. 

Live Action, a pro-life nonprofit organization run by activist Lila Rose, was notified August 30 that two of the company’s…