Business Coverage

Craig Bannister | January 31, 2023

A new Biden Administration rule took effect Monday, allowing retirement plan administrators (fiduciaries) to base investments on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) goals, rather than only on the maximum financial benefit of their clients…

Joseph Vazquez | January 27, 2023

Even a liberal media outlet raised questions about DirecTV’s standard of fairness in how it’s treating Newsmax in comparison to the leftist channels distributed on its platform.

Newsweek’s Jan. 26 headline didn’t beat around the bush: “…

Joseph Vazquez | January 25, 2023

There appears to be a trend going on at liberal video programming distributor DirecTV. The company dropped Newsmax from its channel lineup just months after it nixed One America News from the platform.

Newsmax reported Jan. 25 that…

Joseph Vazquez | January 19, 2023

The same media figure who led the leftist news outfit that peddled and pushed the Steele Dossier cast shade on Twitter owner Elon Musk’s warnings about the dystopian elitism that undergirds the World Economic Forum (WEF). 


NB Staff | January 5, 2023

MRC President Brent Bozell exposed the enormous amount of cash that leftist billionaire George Soros spewed to buy influence in global media.

Bozell presented the findings of MRC Business’ second report in a three-part series exposing…

Joseph Vazquez, Dan Schneider | January 5, 2023

Executive Summary

Leftist billionaire George Soros has been using his enormous fortune to buy influence around the world through news and activist media organizations for decades.

A new MRC Business analysis revealed that Soros…

Joseph Vazquez | December 15, 2022

Bloomberg News co-founder Matthew Winkler barked that corporate America outperforms where pre-born baby slaughter is defended. Talk about being chronically tone-deaf.

Winkler’s Dec. 14 op-ed didn’t beat around the bush with his nutty…

Joseph Vazquez | December 12, 2022

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news networks chose to whitewash news that the world’s second largest investment firm left a woke “climate alliance” of elitist money managers.

Financial Times reported Dec. 7, that Vanguard Group departed…

Jeffrey Clark | November 18, 2022

As Americans brace for one of the most expensive Thanksgiving celebrations in years due to inflation, one Washington Post columnist lectured families on how to hold a “climate-friendly” feast. 

Washington Post food columnist Tamar…

Jeffrey Clark | November 17, 2022

Two groups linked to failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and liberal billionaire George Soros are behind a massive pressure campaign aimed at sinking Twitter and destroying its advertising revenue after Elon Musk took control of the…

Jeffrey Clark | November 16, 2022

American consumers expect inflation to become worse — much worse — over the next few years, according to a University of Michigan survey. But the ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows couldn’t be bothered to cover the news. 


Jeffrey Clark | November 15, 2022

Climate Depot founder Marc Morano and Fox News host Dan Bongino slammed U.S. climate czar John Kerry’s “suicidal, climate change, global warming rollout” on Saturday after he boasted to world leaders that his climate scheme would be similar to…

Jeffrey Clark | November 14, 2022

Washington Post owner and climate hypocrite Jeff Bezos announced plans to give most of his net worth to ending climate change in a fawning interview with CNN Business. 

When asked if he planned to give his wealth away “in his…

Jeffrey Clark | November 11, 2022

A climate extremist tied to billionaire George Soros was grilled online for pushing thinly veiled climate reparations as the world’s elites converge for another United Nations conference in Egypt on the environment.  


Jeffrey Clark | November 11, 2022

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows ignored President Joe Biden admitting that he can’t promise to stop inflation, after telling Americans in September that “we’re going to get control of inflation.”

After months of blaming high…

Jeffrey Clark | November 10, 2022

The pro-China outlet Bloomberg News attempted to defame Twitter CEO Elon Musk by portraying him as a threat to the United States.

“Mister President, do you think Elon Musk is a threat to U.S. national security?” Bloomberg White House…

Jeffrey Clark | November 9, 2022

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate Change John Kerry gloated as Republicans picked up seats in the House, telling Bloomberg News that even a House flip would not stop the left from imposing disastrous climate change policies. 

Jeffrey Clark | November 8, 2022

The liberal media cranked the propaganda meter up to 100 before and during the midterm elections, warning that Big Tech was acting as a conduit for “election misinformation” and not censoring enough people for pushing “conspiracy theories.”…

Jeffrey Clark | November 8, 2022

What do some of the world’s most powerful Big Tech oligarchs and nearly 30 rabidly pro-censorship organizations have in common? They all share an apparent disdain for free speech and received a total of $80,233,084 from liberal billionaire George…

Jeffrey Clark | November 8, 2022

As diesel fuel supplies drop to historic lows and threaten to upend the trucking and farming industry in the U.S., the evening news shows continue to do what they do best: Ignore the news and repeat liberal talking points.

“East Coast…