Becky Quick

Tom Olohan | November 2, 2023

CNBC anchor Andrew Ross Sorkin took the opportunity to aggressively smear conservatives boycotting woke companies, after listening to an interview where the CEO of Target was pressed on his company’s disastrous year. 

Sorkin claimed…

James Powers | March 15, 2017

Wall Street has been brimming with optimism since President Donald Trump’s election, but Main Street’s optimism soared as well. Some say the new GOP health insurance bill may keep that going.

CNBC reporter…

Sam Dorman | September 1, 2016

A Wall Street Journal columnist had strong words for the NY attorney general’s fight against ExxonMobil.

“Their whole schtick now is to find enemies, and attack the enemies,” Journal columnist Holman Jenkins said of the…

Michael Greibrok | October 6, 2015

Squawk Box co-host Joe Kernen lit into writers at The Huffington Post Tuesday morning for their poor understanding of basic economics..

While The Huffington…