
Catherine Salgado | November 29, 2022

“[Apple] is providing aid and comfort to the CCP.” Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) slammed Apple for kowtowing to the Chinese communist government while simultaneously trying to squash free speech in America by potentially banning Twitter from the App…

Brian Bradley | November 10, 2022

Big Tech companies and their employees continued to heavily donate to leftist candidates this election cycle. On average, firms and their employees sent Democrats 89.6 percent of their overall federal campaign contributions.


Joseph Vazquez | October 19, 2022

A Johns Hopkins University economist wasn’t having any of has-been comedian Jon Stewart’s gaslighting over the true source of America’s inflation crisis: a drastically inflated money supply.

Economist Steve Hanke joined the Oct. 19…

Brian Bradley | October 3, 2022

Thirty-nine House Republicans joined over 200 of their Democrat peers to vote in support of legislation to strengthen enforcement against Big Tech, indicating that Americans are hungry for action to hold Big Tech accountable.

The State…

Autumn Johnson | August 13, 2022

A new report from an iOS privacy expert said the system’s Facebook and Instagram apps can track a user’s interaction with external websites.

Felix Krause, an iOS privacy expert, wrote last week that the apps can monitor a user’s…

Jeffrey Clark | July 7, 2022

The U.S. Supreme Court may have overturned Roe v. Wade, but abortion has not been completely eliminated — not if leftists in corporate America have anything to say about it, at least. 

Following the collapse of Roe, many businesses…

Jeffrey Clark | July 5, 2022

The CEO of one of the largest Big Tech companies in the world appeared on Communist Chinese state-affiliated media to praise China for its “inspiring” and “innovative” app development scene. 

“I want to start by saying a few words…

Catherine Salgado | May 26, 2022

The Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board, also called the Biden administration’s “Ministry of Truth,” is just the latest in a list of eight times that government has wielded tech to target Americans invasively.

Among other actions,…

Jeffrey Clark | April 28, 2022

A group funded with over $2 million from liberal billionaire George Soros is demanding that Apple ban another free speech platform and throttle its reach — just like it did to Parler. 

Citizens for Responsibility & Ethics in…

Catherine Salgado | April 18, 2022

The U.S. government targeted undercover journalism outfit Project Veritas, including through secret orders to Apple, Google and Microsoft, Reclaim The Net reported.

Reclaim The Net shared several different documents that reportedly reveal…

Autumn Johnson | March 30, 2022

Big Tech faced yet another blow from the Department of Justice.

Originally reported by The Wall Street Journal, the DOJ sent letters to members of the congressional judiciary committees and asked them to support an antitrust bill that…

Autumn Johnson | March 27, 2022

A new law in the European Union would force Apple to allow sideloading and third-party app stores.

According to The Verge, Apple would be prevented from requiring users to download apps in its own app store under the Digital Markets Act (…

Autumn Johnson | February 24, 2022

Siri is reportedly getting a new voice.

Axios reported that Apple is beta testing a gender-neutral device for the latest iOS. The voice was available to the public for beta testing earlier in the week.

Apple said the new option…

Catherine Salgado | December 22, 2021

The majority of Americans don’t trust many Big Tech companies with their data, especially on social media, according to a new survey.

A Washington Post poll found that Americans of diverse political persuasions largely agree that social…

Joseph Vazquez | December 8, 2021

Apple’s recent pro-China behavior now makes sense. The tech giant’s CEO reportedly signed a secret deal with the country worth hundreds of billions of dollars five years ago, according to a new report.

The Daily Mail reported that Apple…

Catherine Salgado | November 15, 2021

Apple is driving full speed into a new arena that could create new controversy. The anti-free speech Big Tech company has reportedly teamed up with state governments to turn iPhones into digital identification cards. What could go wrong?

Catherine Salgado | September 23, 2021

Whether looking at hiring policies or the App Store, Amazon and Apple appear to be going to pot.

Amazon and Apple are increasingly more accepting of marijuana (cannabis) use, a drug considered a Schedule I drug under The Controlled…

Catherine Salgado | September 22, 2021

If Apple succeeds with its latest project, an Apple a day may not keep the doctor away. The tech giant is reportedly developing iPhone technology to help diagnose depression, autism and cognitive decline through the collection of detailed…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | August 23, 2021

Welcome to CensorTrack with TR, a weekly video series about Big Tech censorship. The Media Research Center’s will publish the most prominent and worst cases of conservative censorship as well as document cases involving everyday…

Michael Morris, Alec Schemmel | August 20, 2021

Though the Biden administration suggested it would not implement a federal COVID-19 verification system, Big Tech has taken the reins and plans to step in as Big Brother. Google and Apple have announced updates that will allow users to display…