
Corinne Weaver | January 22, 2019

Facebook has demonstrated over the past year alone that it is not interested in promoting freedom of speech on its platform. To say the least.

Facebook’s COO Sheryl Sandberg spoke at the annual DLD Conference in Munich, Germany,…

Corinne Weaver | January 14, 2019

Twitter doesn’t seem to be too fond of the police. Or conservatives defending them.

A former Portland mayoral candidate, Sarah Iannarone, tweeted her condemnation of the police after an incident where a man was shot and killed by…

Corinne Weaver | December 20, 2018

Fox News won’t stop boycotting Twitter for its treatment of Tucker Carlson.

According to Bloomberg, the news outlet blames Twitter for the advertising boycott that the left has rallied behind. In response to Carlson’s stance…

Corinne Weaver | November 26, 2018

Many in traditional media want to remove all conservatives from social media. After all, conservatives are like terrorists from their perspective.

In an editorial written by The New York Times, “right-wing extremism” took…

Corinne Weaver | November 26, 2018

Twitter’s war on conservative thought claimed new victims over the holiday weekend.

The PC banhammer struck down two popular accounts. Jesse Kelly, a Marine, former congressional candidate, and radio host, was banned on November 25…

Corinne Weaver | November 13, 2018

Facebook seems very selective about disciplining users that violate its policies.

Fox News is boycotting Twitter for allowing a violent antifa group to dox and threaten host Tucker Carlson. Twitter suspended Smash Racism DC, the group…

Corinne Weaver | November 12, 2018

Twitter has let its favoritism of the left go too far -- and Fox News is striking back.

Smash Racism DC, a branch of antifa, attacked Tucker Carlson’s house, reportedly threatened his wife, and doxed Carlson and his family on…

Corinne Weaver | November 8, 2018

There seems to be no limit to the offenses allowed certain Antifa groups on Twitter and Facebook. SmashRacism DC, an antifa group in the Washington D.C. area, threatened Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson and his wife and 4 children on November 7,…

Corinne Weaver | October 4, 2018

Twitter can be like the aggressor in a bad relationship, picking and choosing which rules to enforce based on how employees feel at the time.

A suspect who allegedly posted the personal information of Republican senators online was…

Corinne Weaver | September 25, 2018

Editor's Note: As of the afternoon on September 25, Smash Racism DC took down their posts from Twitter and Facebook. Their pages are still up, however. 

Twitter and Facebook are eager to take down or block users who…

Corinne Weaver | August 1, 2018

Facebook is mistaking anti-fascist pages for Russian fake accounts. The shoe is now on the other foot.

According to the Daily Beast, Facebook removed “fake accounts engaged in covert influence operations against Americans.”…

Julia A. Seymour | August 16, 2017

The media don’t just make the news, they frame it. Journalists did it this week, pushing business CEOs to quit President Donald Trump’s American Manufacturing Council. After one CEO resigned in response to Trump’s comments on…