
Tom Olohan | August 23, 2023

George Soros did not attend the Republican Presidential Primary, but that didn’t stop DeSantis from airing out the billionaire’s dirty laundry. 

Republican 2024 presidential candidates duked it out on the debate stage Wednesday,…

Craig Bannister | August 18, 2023

Mentions of “ESG” (environmental, social, and governance) on earnings conference calls of S&P 500 companies are plummeting, suggesting that firms are reacting to the ongoing backlash from stockholders who don’t want left-wing ideology…

Tom Olohan | August 18, 2023

Daily Wire host Matt Walsh spiked the football following admissions of serious financial damage and promises to learn from the experience from Target.

Target sales fell in the 2nd Quarter of 2023, marking the latest fallout from Target’s…

Autumn Johnson | August 17, 2023

Anti-free speech video streaming platform YouTube has taken censorship of medical information to a whole new level by relying on the World Health Organization as the arbiter of truth.

The platform announced that it will censor any…

Tom Olohan | August 17, 2023

Joe Rogan shredded the radical proposals of “climate change” activists on his show, letting viewers know that they are not only draconian, but fundamentally useless.

During the August 16 edition of The Joe Rogan Experience, host Joe…

Joseph Vazquez | August 17, 2023

Either President Bill Clinton’s unhinged former labor secretary is completely detached from reality or is flat-out lying about how star-spangled awesome President Joe Biden’s inflation-rattled economy supposedly is.

Robert Reich joined…

Gabriela Pariseau | August 16, 2023

Update: Apple finally restored The Glenn Beck Program after claiming it was restored but continuing to block access to the account. "After over 5 hours of my entire catalogue of podcasts episodes (over 3,000) being removed from Apple, and…

Joseph Vazquez | August 14, 2023

Reality has been pretty harsh to the presstitutes at CNN who’ve made it a point of shoving “Bidenomics” down the American people’s throats regardless of how foolish they look doing so.

CNN Reporter Matt Egan ran an Aug. 11 story that…

Tom Olohan | August 11, 2023

Ben Shapiro let Disney have it after a legacy media outlet admitted the extent to which the woke company’s flagship streaming program is taking on water. 

In response to a Wednesday article in The New York Times on Disney+ losing…

Nicholas Schau | August 11, 2023

Americans looking for bad advice need to look no further than CNBC’s host Jim Cramer, who has developed a pathetic reputation of consistently being dead wrong on the stock market and economy.

Cramer, host of the show Mad Money, has…

Gabriela Pariseau | August 8, 2023

A University of Washington misinformation study supports the effort to shut down “all opposition media” that counters the leftist narrative, according to Mike Benz, the executive director of the free speech watchdog Foundation for Freedom Online…

Tom Olohan | August 3, 2023

A reporter for The Washington Post went after Republicans for a surprising reason, a Republican proposal to plant a trillion trees. 

In an August 2 article, Post reporter Maxine Joselow juxtaposed suggestions by…

Tom Olohan | August 2, 2023

Bloomberg News clearly didn’t see any issue with celebrating foreign governments forcing businesses to adopt woke ESG standards while failing to mention that its own parent company is doing the same thing. 

Bloomberg News celebrated…

Tom Olohan | August 1, 2023

GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy broke down some of the insidious abuses of the push for ESG investing on Fox Business last week.

During a July 28th appearance on Making Money with Charles Payne, Ramaswamy explained how…

Tom Olohan | July 31, 2023

Fox News host Sean Hannity took a blowtorch to the management at Bud Light’s embattled parent company for letting their obsession with woke politics cost workers their jobs.

Hannity slammed Anheuser-Busch, which owns the ailing brand Bud…

Gabriela Pariseau | July 31, 2023

PragerU founder Dennis Prager proclaimed that freedom of speech is critically important and that without it “freedom dies.”

In his most recent episode of PragerU’s Fireside Chat, Prager discussed the vital importance of being able to…

Nicholas Schau | July 26, 2023

Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) went scorched earth on the massive George Soros-affiliated machine that went after Justice Clarence Thomas.

Lee exposed the hypocrisy of the Democrats who complained about dark money while benefiting from it and…

Tom Olohan | July 26, 2023

OutKick founder Clay Travis laid into the woke hacks at Disney for a series of unforced rainbow mafia ideology-driven errors that have devastated the entertainment giant’s finances and future. 

Travis had some harsh words for Disney…

Gabriela Pariseau | July 25, 2023

The latest Twitter Files installments implicated a new culprit in the assault against Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s free speech and provided evidence that government requests to censor were more like orders.

The most recent Twitter Files by…

Nicholas Schau | July 20, 2023

The Washington Post cry-bully Taylor Lorenz did not hold back her extreme leftist complaining about Twitter’s new influencer payment program paying conservatives as well as liberals, and Twitter users did not hold back their criticism of her.…