
Tom Olohan | October 27, 2023

A long time Columbia University donor blasted the abhorrent outpouring of student and faculty support for Hamas terrorism against Israel.

Billionaire investor Leon Cooperman announced on The Claman Countdown on Oct. 26 that he was…

Tom Olohan | October 27, 2023

Daily Wire editor emeritus Ben Shapiro condemned the ever-increasing price tag of President Joe Biden’s spending proposals. 

Shapiro cited a Washington Post article during the Oct. 25 edition of The Ben Shapiro Show to point out…

Luis Cornelio | October 26, 2023

Bard, Google’s artificial intelligence chatbot, appeared to refuse to provide information about a Palestinian-based terror group—all in a bid to tarnish Israel, MRC Vice President Dan Schneider warned.

In a Thursday interview with Fox…

Joseph Vazquez | October 25, 2023

The Associated Press has some nerve browbeating readers over the alleged scourge of Israel-Hamas war “misinformation” on social media despite its own guilt of pushing terrorist propaganda.

AP pontificated in its Oct. 24 headline how “…

Tom Olohan | October 25, 2023

Syndicated radio host Dan Bongino sounded the alarm on the looming disaster posed by America’s precarious economic situation.

Bongino warned Americans of the federal government’s massive budget gap of $1.7 trillion during the Oct. 23…

Gabriela Pariseau | October 23, 2023

The far left has really laid bare some of its most bigoted and contradictory ideas about Israel Big Tech is letting them. 

MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider interviewed comedian and musician Ami Kozak on his show…

Joseph Vazquez | October 23, 2023

Liberal journos like Vox co-founder Matthew Yglesias continue to treat struggling Americans as stupid for not giving President Joe Biden kudos on his so-called “great” economy.

Yglesias published a ludicrous Oct. 22 op-ed for Bloomberg…

Joseph Vazquez | October 20, 2023

Radical internet traffic cop NewsGuard has shown once again why its bona fides as a supposedly unbiased journalism referee are hot garbage in light of how it treats leftist outlets that peddled Hamas agitprop to attack Israel. 


Tom Olohan | October 20, 2023

MRC Business Vice President Dan Schneider ripped George and Alex Soros for financing groups that have voiced support for the terrorist group Hamas. 

During an interview with One America News that aired on October 19, Schneider told…

Luis Cornelio | October 19, 2023

Nineteen Republican attorneys general issued a damning letter to Eventbrite, the infamous event planning platform, which attempted to thwart an event highlighting the dangers of sex transitions for children.

The letter, led by South…

Joseph Vazquez | October 19, 2023

American voters continue to repudiate the media’s seemingly never-ending attempts to slap lipstick on the grotesque pig that is Bidenomics.

Morning Consult and Bloomberg News released their latest survey Oct. 19 of 5,023…

Tom Olohan | October 19, 2023

A Democrat billionaire podcaster pierced through years of legacy media’s abysmal coverage of former President Donald Trump’s accomplishments during his administration.

Chamath Palihapitiya, co-host of the All-In podcast explained his…

Joseph Vazquez | October 18, 2023

One of the most ardent leftist economic writers in American media actually claimed that the far left “has no significant influence on the Democratic Party.” And no, he wasn’t being facetious.

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman…

Tom Olohan | October 17, 2023

The leftist Walt Disney Company recently chose to partner with the communist Chinese government-tied TikTok as the struggling, woke entertainment giant sputters towards its 100 year anniversary.  

TikTok announced on Oct. 13th…

Luis Cornelio | October 16, 2023

YouTube, infamously known for its quick censorship of speech critical of the left, inexplicably dragged its feet to take down a sickening video from Hamas terrorist leaders calling for Islamists to rise up against Israel. It did so only after…

Tom Olohan | October 13, 2023

Daily Wire founding editor-in-chief and editor emeritus Ben Shapiro has had enough of leftists holding their friends to one standard and their opponents to another.

During an Oct. 11 appearance on Piers Morgan Uncensored, Shapiro…

Luis Cornelio | October 13, 2023

Elon Musk’s X (formerly known as Twitter) took forceful actions against Hamas-tied accounts ahead of the disturbing “Day of Jihad.”

While leftist platforms like YouTube allow Hamas terrorists to call for a day of against Israel with…

Tom Olohan | October 13, 2023

The New York Times’s insufferable economics columnist Paul Krugman found an innovative way to fool himself into arguing that Biden’s disastrous policies beat inflation. 

Krugman pontificated on X (formerly Twitter) on Oct. 11 that…

Tom Olohan | October 12, 2023

Levin lashed out at President Joe Biden for allegedly funding terrorism in the West Bank of Israel. 

During the Oct. 10 edition of The Mark Levin Show, radio host Mark Levin reported a court decision had allowed a lawsuit against…

Joseph Vazquez | October 11, 2023

In a 2007 op-ed, leftist billionaire George Soros outrageously called on America and Israel to “open the door[s]” to Hamas, and now that clarion call has come back to haunt him. 

Following Hamas terrorist attacks that resulted in at…