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Becky Wegner
User posted the Biden meme on April 23 and was suspended. "I was locked out on April 23rd. I was not able to log in again until June 11th. I filed appeals, they said they would not reinstate "until…
Only Anarchists
User was suspended after posting the Biden meme on April 23. Was told it would be a 12 hour suspension, but was unable to regain access to his account until June 26
User reported that he, a liberal, posted the Biden meme and got suspended.
Jack Joseph
User posted Joe Biden meme. Account was suspended, and tweet was deleted by Twitter. Account has since been restored.
Bryan Fry
User tweeted the Biden meme on April 23 and account was suspended. User has yet, as of June 30, to be able to regain access to this account.
Jessica Fletcher
User posted the Biden meme and was suspended. She deleted the meme as requested but was still locked out of her account for some time before getting it restored.
Count Dankula
User's account was temporarily suspended for posting the Joe Biden meme. It has been restored.
User posted the Biden meme and got a suspension. It was resolved quickly.
Brian NJ
User tweeted the Biden meme and got a 12 hour suspension.
Dan Ornelas
User's account was temporarily suspended for posting the Joe Biden meme. It has since been restored.
The Buster
User tweeted the Joe Biden meme on or near 4/23 and was subsequently suspended for it. It was 2 months before the user regained access to his/her account.
User reported from her @uravitysia account that her "priv" account, @akilovemail, which has 0 followers, was suspended for posting the Biden meme.
User reported that after posting the Biden meme, the "ban is INSTANT."
Peggy Gorman
A tweet from a Twitter use with only 100 followers used the #prolife and #mybodymychoice tags, and a photo of the user and her children was marked as sensitive. Full content of tweet: "millennials…
Anna Slatz
User posted the Joe Biden meme and received a temporary suspension for it. Account has since been restored.
User got a 12 hour suspension for posting the Biden meme.
K Shaw
User stated that his account was suspended/locked out three times for posting the Biden meme.
Dinosaur Hunter
User posted Biden meme on April 23 and was suspended. However, as of today he has still not regained access to his account.
Polar Bear
User decided to test the reports that the Biden meme was getting censored. Reported that his account was locked in under 60 seconds after tweeting the meme.
Minarchy Now
User posted the Biden meme and got a 12 hour suspension