CensorTrack Database

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Displaying 221 - 240 of 367
Twitter censors user for saying Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong in court: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "KYLE RITTENHOUSE DID NOTHING WRONG IN COURT TODAY." Another Twitter user…
Twitter censored user for tweeting support for Kyle Rittenhouse: A Twitter user tweeted, "This is a test: Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong. He is innocent." In a screenshot he shared, Twitter…
Jesse Sweeney
Twitter censors user for tweets promoting Kyle Rittenhouse's innocence: A Twitter user shared screenshots of another user's censorship notices. He tweeted the following: "Twitter whacked me for…
Country Kody
Twitter censors user for support of Rittenhouse: A Twitter user shared his screenshots with CensorTrack. He was censored for saying: "I not only stand by my statement I'm going to double down. #…
Twitter censors user for praising another user for getting censored for saying Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his purported censorship notice. He claimed…
Twitter censors user for calling Kyle Rittenhouse "heroic": A Twitter user tweeted about Kyle Rittenhouse as his trial was ongoing, saying: "I consider Kyle a sort of hero. Not that he did…
Gamer Dysphoria
Twitter censors user for tweeting support of Kyle Rittenhouse: A Twitter user shared screenshots of their censorship notice. They tweeted: "Correct. Rittenhouse is a hero trying to stop admitted…
Jesse Sweeney
Twitter censors user for tweeting that Kyle Rittenhouse is innocent: A Twitter user tweeted that "#KyleRittenhouse is obviously innocent." According to screenshots he shared, Twitter called this "…
Twitter censors user for saying Rittenhouse did nothing wrong: A Twitter user shared that their account was placed in a read-only restricted mode for 12 hours as punishment for a tweet. The user…
The Coconut
Twitter censors user for tweeting support of Kyle Rittenhouse: A Twitter user shared screenshots of his censorship notice. He tweeted: "Kyle Rittenhouse is a hero. #KyleRittenhouse #fuckantifa…
Twitter censors user for tweet supporting Kyle Rittenhouse that was a year old: A Twitter user shared the following tweet on November 1, 2020: "#KyleDidNothingWrong." On or around November 1, 2021,…
Truth Avenger
Twitter censors user for saying Kyle Rittenhouse is a hero: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They tweeted: "The scenario where he prevented businesses…
The Great Gazoo
Twitter censors user for saying Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They tweeted: "The guy that died was a convicted pedophile.…
Country Kody
Twitter censors user for tweeting support of Kyle Rittenhouse: A Twitter user shared screenshots of his censorship notices with CensorTrack. He tweeted: "#KyleRittenhouse did nothing wrong."…
Facebook disingenuously fact-checks meme about high gas prices being Biden's fault, claims it "has no basis in fact": A meme posted to Facebook depicted two gas station price boards. The top one…
Grateful April
Twitter censors user for speaking positively about Kyle Rittenhouse: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "Kyle saved the lives of many people! Antifa was pushing an on fire dumpster into a gas…
Facebook shows zero search results for a search of "Kyle Rittenhouse" even though Google shows pages of results exclusively on the platform: 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse was charged for first-degree…
John Pierce
Twitter censors Kyle Rittenhouse lawyer for tweet in support of him: John Pierce, a former defense lawyer for Kyle Rittenhouse, tweeted about his case while he was part of the team. He tweeted:…
Reddit mod permanently bans user who does not think Kyle Rittenhouse is a terrorist: A Reddit user participated in a discussion about the Kyle Rittenhouse self-defense case. 18-year-old Rittenhouse…
A Reddit mod permanently bans user from a subreddit because the user claimed parents who oppose school masks orders are not terrorists: A user who was part of the subredddit r/Selfawarewolves…