Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Case #

Facebook fact-checkers flagged a post by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about the efficacy of masking: 2024 Democrat Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. posted a New York Times Opinion article that included part of an interview with Oxford epidemiologist Tom Jefferson. "'There is just no evidence that they' — masks — 'make any difference.' But, wait, hold on. What about N-95 masks, as opposed to lower-quality surgical or cloth masks? 'Makes no difference — none of it.' — Oxford epidemiologist Tom Jefferson," Kennedy wrote in his post. Facebook added a "missing context" label under the post with the explanation that "Independent fact-checkers say this information is missing context and could mislead people." It also linked to a Health Feedback article that argued that since there are no firm conclusions that masks do or do not work it is misrepresenting the findings of a study with inconclusive results to say that masks are deemed ineffective. "Claims that face masks don’t work based on the results of the Cochrane review are unsupported and misrepresent the conclusions of the review, which couldn’t draw 'any firm conclusions' on the effectiveness of mask-wearing at limiting the spread of respiratory infections due to methodological limitations." It is unclear how that disproves that "'There is just no evidence that they' — masks — 'make any difference,'" but Facebook flagged the post anyway.

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