Tucker Carlson
Case #

Facebook fact checks reel about pro-lifer facing jail for peaceful protest: Show host Tucker Carlson posted a reel on Facebook with the comment, “Biden Wants to Lock Up This Man for Praying at an Abortion Clinic.” The reel, which showed Carlson discussing the arrest of father of eleven Paul Vaughn and footage of the arrest, had an interstitial over it claiming, “False information. Checked by independent fact-checkers.” Clicking on the “See why” button brings up a label claiming, “Independent fact-checkers say this information has no basis in fact. You can choose whether to see it.” The Facebook label linked to a fact check from USA Today titled, “Tennessee man arrested for blocking access to abortion clinic, not praying.” Vaughn is accused of violating the FACE Act by allegedly blocking abortion clinic access as he peacefully prayed at the clinic. Vaughn was later arrested by heavily armed FBI agents at his home and now faces potentially years in prison. The lawyer representing Vaughn argued that he and other pro-lifers were not violating the law as charged. According to Facebook, users fail to click through fact-check interstitials 95% of the time.

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