Cory Collings
Case #

Facebook fact checker flags graphic based on a word it admittedly didn't fully know how it was meant: Facebook user Cory Collings posted a graphic that read "The only time we hold a shooter responsible is when its [sic] a cop. Otherwise it's the gun, manufacturers ammo companies and NRA, not the criminals." Facebook flagged the post after USA today fact-checked it for allegedly "missing context." The fact check point blank admitted that "it was unclear from the post how [the user] define[s] responsibility" and that the user initially posted the graphic "did not respond to a request for comment." Nonetheless, USA Today proceeded with the fact check. The fact-checker noted that very few fatal police shootings are prosecuted but failed to mention until halfway through the article that the low numbers can be attributed to the fact that most fatal police shootings are considered a justified use of force. Fact-checked posts lose exposure on Facebook feeds as they are negatively affected by the platform's algorithm. According to Facebook, users fail to click through a fact-check interstitial to see the post 95% of the time.

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