The Bill Walton Show
Case #

Episode of "The Bill Walton Show" removed from YouTube (and Vimeo) for violating COVID-19 medical misinformation policy: An episode of "The Bill Walton Show" was removed from YouTube for violating the platform's community standards and its COVID-19 medical misinformation policy, according to what the show's host Bill Walton has told The Daily Signal. The deleted episode, titled "Paying the Price of Panic," argues the harm from COVID-19 lockdowns vastly exceeds their benefits, according to Walton's interview with The Daily Signal. Maureen O'Donnell, the show's producer, emailed YouTube explaining how she felt the show's programming complied with the company's "COVID-19 Medical Misinformation Policy." The video uploading platform eventually rejected the appeal without further explanation, according to The Daily Signal.      

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