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It seems the federal government once again covered up an election interference scheme and America First Legal (AFL) is fighting back.

The legal firebrand announced in a press release Monday that it is suing President Joe Biden’s FBI and Department of Justice after each refused to hand over potentially damning documents related to alleged censorship requests sent just days before the 2022 midterm elections. Through a December 2022 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, AFL sought more information about an email uncovered in the sixth installation of The Twitter Files but the FBI and DOJ denied the request. 

According to AFL, the FBI’s National Election Command Post sent the email to Assistant Special Agent in Charge Elvis Chan requesting that he ask Twitter to examine 25 accounts that may have “violated Twitter’s terms of service” and be subject to Twitter’s censorship regime. Twitter took action against 17 of the accounts many of which, as The Twitter Files noted, “were satirical in nature, nearly all… were relatively low engagement.”

The FBI also implied that it may investigate the account owners when it asked for “any location information associated with the accounts that Twitter will voluntarily provide to aid the FBI in assigning any follow-up deemed necessary to the appropriate FBI field office.” 

Why did the FBI ask for censorship and troublingly detailed personal information two days before a national election? The email accused the accounts of “spread[ing] misinformation about the upcoming election.” 

The press release notes that in its FOIA request, AFL had asked for “All records of communications to or from the National Election Command Post (NECP) referencing the Twitter accounts that were flagged for ‘additional action due to the accounts being utilized to spread misinformation.’” The FBI reportedly denied the request for allegedly being “overly broad” and upon appeal, the DOJ affirmed the FBI’s denial. Now the AFL is suing the federal government for “for illegally concealing these records and to uncover how the FBI uses ‘disinformation’ and ‘misinformation’ as an excuse to interfere in our elections,” according to the press release. 

Senior Counselor and Director of Oversight and Investigations Reed D. Rubinstein characterized the serious implications of the apparent coverup. “Mr. Chan’s deposition contains significant evidence that the Biden government’s political censorship operation was fully engaged to blind the American people in advance of the 2022 midterm elections,” he said. “Given that AFL is seeking documents directly related to his testimony, there is strong reason to believe that the FBI and DOJ are illegally stonewalling to protect their election interference means and methods.”

He added that the discoveries of election interference perpetrated by the Washington D.C. swamp are unfortunately not a new phenomenon. “Three times now, in 2016, 2020, and 2022, the Deep State has put its thumb directly on the scale to influence our elections and aid Democrat party candidates the American people have a right to know what else the FBI has waiting for 2024,” said Rubinstein

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