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Nathan Burchfiel
Nathan Burchfiel | August 18, 2010

What's the best way to address rising debt and deficits? According to one liberal blogger, it's not cutting spending, but taxing churches, that will solve America's financial woes.

“[Americans] should have the right to support any…

Nathan Burchfiel | July 19, 2010

Radio host and businessman Herman Cain could be a “dark horse” 2012 GOP presidential candidate, according to Politics Daily’s Matt Lewis. Cain is also CEO and president of The New Voice, Inc. and national chairman of the Media Research Center’s…

Nathan Burchfiel | December 8, 2008

     The media love to assign blame for financial hardship, but it’s rare that they turn the microscope on themselves like columnist David Carr did in The New York Times Dec. 8.

     In a front page column of the Business Day section,…

Nathan Burchfiel | December 3, 2008

The network broadcast media have generally ignored or downplayed the role of unions in establishing bad business models for the Big Three U.S. automakers. But NBC’s “Today” show bucked the trend Dec. 3 with an honest report about how union…

Nathan Burchfiel | December 2, 2008

     CNBC “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer said on NBC’s “Today” show Dec. 2 that comparisons between the current economy and the Great Depression are “scare tactics.” Maybe he forgot about his own reliance on the juxtaposition.…

Nathan Burchfiel | November 26, 2008

     It looks like journalists are adopting the Chris Matthews philosophy of covering the transition into President-elect Barack Obama’s administration: don’t rock the boat.

