Wall Street Journal

Joseph Valle | July 11, 2019

The left love to complain that recent economic growth has only benefited people at the very top and left the middle class and the poor behind. The Wall Street Journal just found more evidence to the contrary.

"The fortunes of low-…

Joseph Valle | July 3, 2019

The left have cheered Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) rise in the polls after the Democrat debates. Now they have pronounced her Wall Street’s choice for the 2020 presidential election.

Bloomberg reporters Lananh Nguyen and Tyler Pager on…

Julia A. Seymour | April 9, 2019

The liberal media launched an offensive against both of President Donald Trump’s selections for the Federal Reserve board of governors.

The media have outdone themselves slinging mud at the “controversial” and “…

Julia A. Seymour | April 8, 2019

Given the very few job gains in February and rampant media speculation in March about a coming recession, it was essential that all three evening news shows update their audiences about jobs and unemployment April 5.

But not all of them…

Julia A. Seymour | April 5, 2019

The strong March jobs report “should end” concerns that a recession is “lurking” as one Hill op-ed suggested March 1. The media worried and speculated over recession throughout the entire month of March.


Julia A. Seymour | March 5, 2019

Jobs growth has been one of the brightest economic growth points under President Donald Trump’s administration. Even the year after many economists anticipated the U.S. was “at or near” full employment, monthly jobs gains…

Julia A. Seymour | December 5, 2018

France’s increasingly violent “yellow vest” protests began as grassroots, working-class opposition to a fuel tax hike that was promoted by the government as climate change action. But network stories about the protests ignored…

Julia A. Seymour | October 3, 2018

Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell expressed optimism about the “extraordinary times” for the U.S. economy right now at an event with business economists on Oct. 2.

Powell said, “The economy is strong, unemployment…

Gabriel Hays | September 21, 2018

Google keeps waving off concerns that they’ve been showing bias against conservative viewpoints. Yet new reports indicate that a group of the company’s programmers discussed ways they could use the search engine to combat Donald Trump…

Julia A. Seymour | July 17, 2018

More Americans are quitting their jobs and even some media are admitting “that’s a good thing.”

The rising rate of American workers quitting their jobs voluntarily shows their confidence in the economy, especially the…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | July 17, 2018

Liberal news sources appear to have a problem with more than just InfoWars: now they’re going after the Daily Caller.

According to The Wall Street Journal, during an off-the-record meeting with Facebook last week, editors from…

Julia A. Seymour | January 9, 2018

A weaker than expected jobs report managed to capture the attention of the three broadcast networks evening newscasts. That was quite a switch.Those same news programs often underreported good economic news in the past year. ABC World News…

Julia A. Seymour | November 9, 2017

Threats against Trump administration officials have become deadly serious. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt requested 24/7 security protection back in April and had to beef up his security detail again in October, because of the high number of…

Julia A. Seymour | October 4, 2017

The liberal media pounced immediately on the release of President Donald Trump’s outline for tax reform calling it “one big lie,” complaining about tax “cuts for the wealthy,” and saying the plan “stinks.…

Sam Dorman | January 23, 2017

Business people or companies who chose to endorse, donate or praise Donald Trump have been under attack from the left in recent months. Yet, the network news have failed to inform their viewers about it.

The left took aim at L.L.Bean,…

Sam Dorman | September 1, 2016

A Wall Street Journal columnist had strong words for the NY attorney general’s fight against ExxonMobil.

“Their whole schtick now is to find enemies, and attack the enemies,” Journal columnist Holman Jenkins said of the…

Julia A. Seymour | August 31, 2016

Want to win an award for “distinguished environmental journalism?”

Just make sure to work for an organization that gets anti-oil and gas funding…

Sam Dorman | August 11, 2016

When it came to covering issues voters cared about, the networks didn’t catch ‘em all, especially the most important one.

According to the Pew Research Center, voters ranked the economy as their highest priority in July. But…

Michael Greibrok | November 5, 2015

House Republicans concerned about the politicization of climate science recently subpoenaed emails from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

According to the Wall Street Journal, Rep. Lamar Smith…