Twitter Files

Catherine Salgado | May 28, 2024

The latest installment of The Twitter Files details how the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) targeted Americans’ free speech, in violation of its restriction against domestic operations.

The CIA is prohibited from spying on or otherwise…

Christian Baldwin | May 15, 2024

Jack Dorsey, the founder and former CEO of Twitter (now X), admitted that Twitter’s relationship with the government was (and potentially still is) “problematic.” 

Mike Solana, editor-in-chief of Pirate Wires, sat down for…

Christian Baldwin | May 10, 2024

Journalist/author Michael Shellenberger joined forces with UnHerd’s Freddie Sayers and Tablet Magazine Senior Writer Jacob Siegel to discuss the inner workings of censorship in the West.

On Thursday, UnHerd released an interview…

Catherine Salgado | April 9, 2024

Tech mogul Elon Musk issued a warning to a powerful Brazilian justice amid an escalating free speech clash between the X platform and the left-wing Brazilian government.

The conflict intensified after a recent installment of the Twitter…

Catherine Salgado | April 3, 2024

Independent journalist Matt Taibbi has taken on deniers of government-private partnerships against free speech in a recent Twitter Files report.

Taibbi issued the new report in response to NBC News smears accusing Taibbi, Rep. Jim Jordan…

Catherine Salgado | March 22, 2024

Newly released documents confirm that the Biden administration coordinated with a UK group to trample free speech.

The Biden White House “partnered with” the UK- and US-based Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) as part of its…

Joseph Vazquez | March 19, 2024

Imagine a radical law organization financed by George Soros lurching so far to the left on the free speech issue that it ends up bastardizing the very philosophy of the liberal U.S. Supreme Court associate justice it's named after. Enter the…

Tom Olohan | March 4, 2024

Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC) promised to fight for Americans’ right to free speech against government censorship, even when this censorship is outsourced to private companies. 

Bishop went on MRC’s UnCensored with MRC Free Speech America…

Christian Baldwin | February 19, 2024

Independent journalist Tucker Carlson had his “mind blown” by cybersecurity expert Mike Benz’s latest revelations of a vast conspiracy of government agencies, universities and civic centers to reportedly rig elections through electoral subversion…

Christian Baldwin | February 16, 2024

Australia’s Communications Minister threatened that X (formerly Twitter) will be in “big trouble” if it does not comply with the country’s proposed new censorship laws.

The Australian Financial Review reported February 12 that…

Joseph Vazquez | February 6, 2024

Explosive new evidence adds another terrifying chapter to the incestuous collusion story between President Joe Biden’s administration and Big Tech to censor free speech.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan unleashed a trove of…

Tom Olohan | February 1, 2024

Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi broke the news that the censorship outfit Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) allegedly misrepresented itself to the IRS to gain tax-exempt status. 

Taibbi exposed the CCDH, or the “digital…

Tom Olohan | January 31, 2024

Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi tore into the liberal media for ignoring inconvenient news, including the Twitter Files. 

Taibbi told syndicated radio host Mark Levin that a media blackout of his recent bombshell about the…

Autumn Johnson | November 30, 2023

New files reviewed by independent journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger reveal that data scientists and defense and intelligence veterans allegedly conspired to censor Americans via an “‘anti-disinformation’” group called the Cyber…

Catherine Salgado | November 30, 2023

Twitter Files journalist Michael Shellenberger called government censorship efforts “profoundly un-American” in his Congressional testimony Thursday.

The Nov. 30 Congressional hearing on the “Weaponization of the Federal Government”…

Catherine Salgado | November 20, 2023

Twitter Files investigations uncovered biased ratings firm NewsGuard’s pitch bragging of government ties.

Journalist Lee Fang explained in collaboration with RealClearInvestigations Nov. 15 that the Twitter Files unearthed a pitch from…

Gabriela Pariseau | November 16, 2023

New Twitter Files affirm the House Judiciary report exposing the Department of Homeland Security’s election-interfering censorship operations.

Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi dug into Twitter’s internal communications showing that…

Gabriela Pariseau | November 9, 2023

MRC President Brent Bozell and Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi sounded the alarm on the precarious state of free speech online as leftist elites embrace censorship and AI.

During an exclusive MRC interview, Taibbi told Bozell that…

Autumn Johnson | November 6, 2023

A new Twitter Files report shows that Twitter executives knew the Russia-gate hoax was bunk and accuses one of the organizations pedaling the Russian election interference narrative of meddling in the Alabama elections. 


Catherine Salgado | October 31, 2023

The Big Tech-government censorship industrial complex is all too real, but one anti-free speech lawmaker “Went Too Far, Even For Pro-Censorship Media” and Twitter. 

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) has been an avid proponent of censorship…