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Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi broke the news that the censorship outfit Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) allegedly misrepresented itself to the IRS to gain tax-exempt status. 

Taibbi exposed the CCDH, or the “digital brownshirts” as MRC President Brent Bozell calls the group, in a Jan. 31 thread on X. In the thread, he detailed how the CCDH falsely claimed to be a charity in the United Kingdom to quickly gain tax-exempt status in the United States. Taibbi wrote that “[i]n March 2021, CCDH's new US entity applied for tax-exempt status in the U.S., claiming it was a registered charity in the UK.” 

Taibbi explained that the CCDH had asked for an expedited review, quickly received their desired charitable status from the IRS, and then proudly bragged about acquiring charitable status. 

However, according to the work of Taibbi and reporter Paul Holden, this success was built on a lie. Taibbi not only writes that the “CCDH is not a registered charity in the UK,” but also that the UK Charity Commission denied that the CCDH had even applied. [Emphasis added]

Taibbi also noted that although the organization’s role in pushing censorship has been covered by the media, many prominent outlets have failed to report on the CCDH’s leftist origins which Taibbi connected to Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer

The CCDH has been investigated and subpoenaed by Congress for its role in promoting censorship on social media and in the United States. For example, these “digital brownshirts,” infamously pushed Google to censor crisis pregnancy centers to ensure that fewer women choose life over killing their babies.

Taibbi mentioned in his recent thread that the CCDH “appeared often in #TwitterFiles documents,” and that, “[a] typical scenario saw the company receive a query from a media outlet, asking why this or that account identified as hateful/bigoted/inaccurate by the CCDH had not yet been banned.”

It’s not clear whether donors deserve a tax write-off for giving to this evil and allegedly deceitful organization. 

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