Social Media

Hoeg Law
Video discussing Section 230 liability protections deleted from YouTube: Richard Hoeg is the managing partner of The Hoeg Law Firm, PLLC. He also operates the Hoeg Law YouTube channel where he…
Gary Coby
Twitter removes account of Trump Campaign digital director: After Twitter's purge of President Trump from its platform Trump campaign digital director Gary Coby changed the name of his account…
Trump Campaign
Twitter removes Trump Campaign account: Following his censure by Twitter, Trump attempted to post a statement from his campaign's Twitter account after the same statement tweeted…
Official POTUS Account
Trump attempts to make statement from Official @POTUS Twitter account following the platform's removal of his personal account; Twitter then deletes it and locks the account's ability…
Jim DeMint
Facebook post from former Republican South Carolina Senator and Chairman of Conservative Partnership Institute Jim DeMint fact-checked: DeMint's post discussed Judicial Watch President Tom…
Tom Fitton
Tweet of Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton's appearance on Fox hit with civic integrity notice: Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, tweeted out a link to one of his appearances on Fox with…
Twitter censors conservative SuperPac for calling out Big Tech CEOs: AppSame, a minority owned conservative SuperPac, responded to a story that President Trump tweeted, and got censored for it.…
Grabien News
Facebook throttles Grabien's traffic after it released a report slamming the social media platform for election interference: Grabien is a digital service that provides a range of…
Peter Wandering
Twitter censors user for questioning integrity of Facebook "election integrity expert": A Twitter user complained that he had been suspended for a whole day. He reported that it was because of "a…
MRC's Curtis Houck
Twitter restricts MRC's Curtis Houck for allegedly distributing hacked material: Curtis Houck, the managing editor for the Media Research Center's Newsbusters, has had several of his account…
MRC's Nick Kangadis
Twitter restricted MRC's Nick Kangadis's account features after he criticized Spotify employees threatening to walk out if the platform hosted Joe Rogan's podcast: The MRCTV's, Nick Kangadis, lost…
America First Clips
President Donald Trump retweeted a video on Saturday that was quickly deleted. The video was a short clip from a speech that conservative Michelle Malkin gave decrying social media censorship…