
Twitter censors mention of Antifa site redirecting to Biden site: A Twitter user reported that she was unable to make a tweet that pointed out the Antifa site was redirecting to Joe Biden's campaign…
Linda Ando
Twitter censors mention of Antifa site redirecting to Biden site: A Twitter user reported that she was unable to make a tweet that pointed out the Antifa site was redirecting to Joe Biden's campaign…
Twitter censors mention of Antifa site redirecting to Biden site: A Twitter user reported that he was unable to make a tweet that pointed out the Antifa site was redirecting to Joe Biden's campaign…
Facebook blocks political commentary and parody site about Kamala Harris: is a political commentary and parody site focused on Kamala Harris. It contains sourced commentary and…
Facebook blocks political commentary and parody site about Joe Biden: is a political commentary and parody site focused on Joe Biden. It contains sourced commentary and actual video…
Facebook blocks page: Facebook is currently blocking anyone from sharing Daniel Chapter 12 in the ESV version from It is not blocking the Biblehub page in general, and no…
Ezra Levant
Ezra Levant, a Canadian media personality who founded Rebel News, had his book "China Virus" banned for distribution by Amazon. It was eventually unbanned, became a Canadian bestseller and then…
Donald J. Trump
Trump's campaign text-messaging blocked by several major cellular providers: According to reporting by Politico, AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile all disabled the Trump campaign's ability to send out…
Donald J. Trump
Trump's campaign text-messaging blocked by several major cellular providers: According to reporting by Politico, AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile all disabled the Trump campaign's ability to send out…
Donald J. Trump
Trump's campaign text-messaging blocked by several major cellular providers: According to reporting by Politico, AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile all disabled the Trump campaign's ability to send out…