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Who would you trust more for a medical opinion: LinkedIn or a cardiologist? Well, according to LinkedIn, you should trust it. The job networking platform reportedly removed an interview of cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra for discussing an alleged Pfizer vaccine data cover-up.

Co-founder and Chairman of Quilliam and Leading Britain’s Conversations Studios presenter Maajid Nawaz interviewed Dr. Malhotra. The interview, posted on YouTube Nov. 7, was headlined: “Pfizer Data Scandal.” Malhotra deemed vaccine mandates unethical, said that vaccines do not reduce COVID-19 transmission significantly, and accused Big Pharma and even Big Food of prioritizing profits over health, according to Reclaim The Net. Malhotra also referenced reported whistleblower revelations that a Pfizer contractor was falsifying data from COVID-19 vaccine trials and criticized media for not covering the story more.

LinkedIn censored the interview that Nawaz posted for allegedly violating the platform’s “professional community policies,” Reclaim The Net wrote. Nawaz posted a purported screenshot of the censorship notification from LinkedIn, which read: “Only you can see this post. It’s been removed because it goes against our Professional Community Policies.” There was also a link to LinkedIn’s policy page about posting “real and authentic” content that is “professionally relevant,” reported Reclaim The Net.

Malhotra harshly criticized vaccine companies during the interview. The cardiologist reportedly said the current healthcare crisis is a result of “the corporate capture of public health.” Reclaim The Net summarized Dr. Malhotra as having said “that clinical decisions are made on what he said were incomplete, biased, ‘and in many cases potentially corrupted data.’” He continued, according to Reclaim The Net, “‘What’s now very very clear, as this data’s evolving, is that there’s no significant reduction in transmission from taking the vaccine.’” Malhotra was reportedly fully vaccinated, “believing he was protecting his patients,” but “now thinks this belief was false,” Reclaim The Net reported. Malhotra did, however, say that a COVID-19 vaccine could “prevent serious illness and death” for some, based on data, summarized Reclaim The Net. The cardiologist critiqued vaccine mandates for children, however.

Other doctors have been censored by LinkedIn for criticizing the left’s narrative on COVID-19. LinkedIn restricted the account of mRNA vaccine inventor Dr. Robert Malone in June because of his posts concerning COVID-19 treatments and vaccines. LinkedIn removed two posts about COVID-19 vaccines from Harvard Medical School professor and epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff, PhD. LinkedIn also disabled the account of non-profit Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance.

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