Higher Education

Sam Dorman | July 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s proposal to spend $350 billion on “affordable” tuition may have been outrageous, but at least it provoked some poignant comments on the pitfalls of big government.

On July 6, Clinton proposed…

Julia A. Seymour | March 3, 2016

For all that the liberal media and politicians rake CEOs over the coals for being paid too much, it turns out there is a group of people getting paid even more.

Turns out, the average college president is making $377,…

Sam Dorman | February 25, 2016

College tuition is like lunch: it’s never free.

But that hasn’t stopped the media and liberal politicians from claiming it could be. On Jan. 31, 2016, USA Today reported that some states were considering “free”…

Sam Dorman | February 10, 2016

Academic bias in favor of government is a real problem according to the professor who sounded the alarm on Flint, Michigan’s lead contamination crisis.

That Virginia Tech civil engineering professor, Marc Edwards, criticized…