Heather Moon
MRC Free Speech America Senior Researcher

Heather Moon is a Senior Researcher for the Media Research Center’s Free Speech America division. She previously wrote for The Resurgent. She has a Master’s degree in Public Policy from Liberty University, as well as a Master’s of Library Science from Texas Woman’s University.

Heather Moon | August 14, 2020

Recent questionable search results show Google appearing to conflate the opposing terms socialism and capitalism.

A Google search for “socialism and racism” shows that Google may be confused about the definition of socialism. When the…

Heather Moon | July 21, 2020

The outcome of Facebook’s outlandish new policy promoting mail-in voting was easy to predict.

The company announced a plan Friday that encourages mail-in voting so much that even if a post criticizes the concept, Facebook links it to mail…

Heather Moon | July 17, 2020

We have to think of the children … and then ban their books, apparently.

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and daughter Mary Morgan Ketchel’s new children’s book has been hindered yet again by Instagram, which banned ads for the book. …

Heather Moon | July 7, 2020

YouTube finds that a video showing crimes committed by African-Americans against white people goes against its community standards. 

Conservative YouTuber and author Mark Dice tweeted a video compilation of black-on-white violence…

Heather Moon | July 2, 2020

Instagram, a Facebook company, censored and then reinstated a nonprofit Christian account after it posted an anti-porn video.

Moral Revolution, a nonprofit Christian group that “speaks about healthy Biblical sexuality,” was shut down on…

Heather Moon | June 23, 2020

Twitter is at it again. The social media site censored President Donald Trump’s response to raging protests just outside the White House. Trump warned the attempt to turn historic St. John’s Episcopal Church into a “Black House Autonomous Zone”…