Liberals & Democrats

Sam Dorman | August 24, 2016

MRC’s Dan Gainor rebuffed Clinton campaign complaints of distortion on the part of Associated Press due to recent reporting on the Clinton Foundation scandal.

On Aug. 23, AP reported that a disturbing amount of Clinton’s…

Sam Dorman | August 18, 2016

Overreaction and panic are typical of the environmentalist left. Cosmopolitan magazine proved it again as they ordered people to stop consuming avocados ... for the trees’ sake. 

“You need to stop eating avocados, right…

Sam Dorman | August 17, 2016

NBC Chairman Bob Greenblatt slammed presidential candidate Donald Trump, calling him "toxic" and "demented," after his network spend more than a decade building his image.

In a Facebook post he later deleted,…

Sam Dorman | July 25, 2016

One of the journalists exposed exchanging emails with the Democratic National Committee (DNC) by the latest Wikileak was Politico’s Chief Investigative Reporter Ken Vogel, who formerly worked for a Soros-funded group.


Sam Dorman | July 20, 2016

The 2016 Republican National Convention brought the radical, left-wing fringe out in Cleveland, and some of the groups’ ideas were downright ridiculous.

1. State-Run Media

In something that looked like an excerpt from Orwell…

Sam Dorman | July 11, 2016

Media coverage put a Republican face to the water crisis in Flint. The broader story on lead contamination revealed that Democratic mayors vastly outnumbered Republicans in cities with lead testing problems.

The Flint crisis gained…

Sam Dorman | March 2, 2016

Squawk Box co-host Joe Kernen sparred with a Democratic strategist over whether or not Democrats believe in the rule of law.

Kernen rebuffed strategist Steve McMahon’s claim that Democrats believed in the rule of law saying, “…

Sam Dorman | January 14, 2016

Economist Steve Moore told Fox Business Network correspondent Charlie Gasparino on Jan. 14, that Republicans would win the presidency if the current economic malaise persists in nine months.

“If we’re in…

Aly Nielsen | May 12, 2015

NBC Meet the Press host Chuck Todd announced on Sunday they were starting a new series called "Meet the Money: The Billionaire Donors." They started with GOP-backing Sheldon Adelson. When will they get to George Soros?