Campaign Financing

Joseph Vazquez | June 16, 2022

A New York Times editorial board member lost his marbles over companies reportedly donating to GOP candidates who challenged the 2020 election results.

Times editor Alex Kingsbury mourned how the “pause” that companies placed on donating…

Joseph Vazquez | May 26, 2022

The Washington Post continued its idiotic comparison of Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) to the self-proclaimed white supremacist Buffalo, New York, mass shooter in an attempt to publicly shame her donors. 

The liberal rag’s hit piece was…

Joseph Vazquez | May 16, 2022

Jennifer Daskal, one of President Joe Biden’s Disinformation Governance Board leaders, doesn’t just have several ties to liberal billionaire George Soros. She was also a Biden donor during the 2020 election cycle, according to Federal Election…

Joseph Vazquez | March 23, 2022

A leftist dark money group funded by liberal billionaire George Soros is closely connected to efforts to push for confirmation of President Joe Biden’s Supreme Court nominee.

Demand Justice, which has advocated for radical left-wing…

Alexander Hall | March 2, 2022

An election integrity probe reportedly found that a nonprofit funded by Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg swayed the 2020 election “in violation of Wisconsin law.” 

Could this be the scandal that shakes up America’s electoral…

Joseph Vazquez | February 1, 2022

Liberal billionaire George Soros is back to his old tricks, trying to use gigantic cash flows to influence the outcome of U.S. elections. The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows are sweeping it under the rug.

Soros is seeding his…

Joseph Vazquez | January 10, 2022

Billionaire George Soros said he is working to “bend” the arc of history “in the right direction.” In Soros’ case, that direction is far to the left. To do it, he donated over $32 billion to his Open Society Foundations since 1984, to further…

Joseph Vazquez | December 10, 2021

Leftist billionaire George Soros is at it again. One of his organizations funneled millions into a radical leftist group seeking to defund the police.

Soros’s Foundation to Promote Open Society gave at least $4 million to the…

Joseph Vazquez | November 23, 2021

It looks like The Washington Post may run into a conflict of interest problem the next time it fawns over former President Barack Obama’s allegedly “chiseled pectorals.”

The Obama Foundation released a statement saying that leftist…

Joseph Vazquez | November 18, 2021

A leftist “dark money” group funded by liberal billionaire George Soros spent hundreds of millions of dollars in an obsessive effort to place Democrats in political power.

The notorious Sixteen Thirty Fund “doled out a whopping $410…

Joseph Vazquez | November 15, 2021

President Joe Biden’s pro-censorship nominee to the Federal Communications Commission is heavily connected to liberal billionaire George Soros.

Tech on the Rocks Podcast host Gigi Sohn, who has a documented history of left-wing bias…

Joseph Vazquez | October 22, 2021

One of the most notorious liberal billionaire mega-donors in the United States is reportedly aiding Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen, who advocated for more Big Tech censorship.

Pierre Omidyar — the founder of eBay — is using his…

Joseph Vazquez | October 11, 2021

The Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank promoted leftist materials by a Soros-funded group. Some of those materials targeted Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow Christopher Rufo for exposing critical race theory.

The Philadelphia Fed’s…

Joseph Vazquez | October 7, 2021

The Dispatch actually tried to pass off a George Soros-funded group attacking The American Conservative Union as “nonpartisan.”

Dispatch staff writer Andrew Egger wrote a propaganda piece promoting how “federal investigators are currently…

Joseph Vazquez | September 29, 2021

Climate activist James Murdoch has used his foundation to funnel more than $14 million to a leftist group that crusaded against America’s so-called “environmental racism.”

Murdoch, the estranged son of News Corporation Executive Chairman…

Joseph Vazquez | September 24, 2021

The George Soros-funded Free Press is in hot water after it submitted a leftist petition to the Federal Communications Commission that included a comment that questioned if Republicans should be shot.

The Free Press petition urged the FCC…

Joseph Vazquez | September 23, 2021

One of the world’s richest practitioners of eco-hypocrisy is getting tens of millions in funding from a fossil fuel investment giant for his climate change fight. 

Liberal billionaire Bill Gates has reportedly secured over $1 billion…

Joseph Vazquez | September 22, 2021

Climate activist James Murdoch gave at least $1 million to a group fighting to undermine state oversight of elections. That same group also backed Big Tech censorship against former President Donald Trump.

Murdoch — the estranged son of…

Joseph Vazquez | September 14, 2021

News Corporation Executive Chairman Rupert Murdoch’s estranged son and avowed climate activist James Murdoch used his Quadrivium Foundation to fund a leftist organization behind Google and Facebook’s notorious 2020 election strategy.


Joseph Vazquez | September 7, 2021

The American Civil Liberties Union — financed with tens of millions of dollars from leftist billionaire George Soros — justified Orwellian vaccine mandates being forced on Americans by redefining the meaning of “civil liberties” to mean the lack…