2022 Congressional

Jeffrey Clark | October 24, 2022

Elitist New York Times economics columnist Paul Krugman whined that high gas prices could doom Democratic Party chances in the midterms, just 15 days away. So much for Americans struggling to make ends meet as long as the correct party’s in power…

Jeffrey Clark | October 17, 2022

The midterm elections are three weeks out and The New York Times is screeching at Democrats for not touting President Joe Biden’s inflationary record of printing $1.9 trillion in government handouts.

“Democrats spent $2 trillion to save…

Jeffrey Clark | October 14, 2022

Leftist billionaire George Soros just poured another $1 million into trying to make failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams the next governor of the state. But instead of reporting on the Soros-Abrams connection, the Big Three…

Joseph Vazquez | October 14, 2022

Liberal billionaire George Soros funded groups that are now urging the heads of major Big Tech platforms to step up their censorship just before the 2022 midterm elections.

The Soros-funded Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights…

Joseph Vazquez | October 5, 2022

Leave it to the leftist hacks at Mother Jones to wield a George Soros-funded group to wokescold American businesses that donated to those darn 2020 GOP “election deniers.”

Mother Jones railed in an Oct. 3 story headlined “Corporate…

Gabriela Pariseau | September 19, 2022

Snap, the parent company of Snapchat, claimed to have accidentally allowed Republican and Democrat firms to dip into each other’s target audiences for political ads. 

A Snap spokesperson told MRC Free Speech America that the platform…

Joseph Vazquez | September 13, 2022

Americans are telling the liberal media hacks trying to drive excitement over President Joe Biden’s student debt forgiveness scam to take a hike, according to a new poll.

The Trafalgar Group, in conjunction with Convention of States…

Joseph Vazquez | August 16, 2022

The New York Times is having another meltdown over so-called “election misinformation” on social media and trying to pressure Big Tech companies to up their already bloated censorship operations. 

Times technology reporter Tiffany…

Brian Bradley | July 5, 2022

Republican senators are calling on Google to take quicker action after the company recently asked the Federal Election Commission to approve a pilot program to address concerns that Gmail’s spam algorithm disproportionately affects GOP…

Joseph Vazquez | June 25, 2022

The New York Times is whining that Big Tech won’t be focused on eliminating “election misinformation” during the 2022 midterms.

The Times published a pathetic sob story headlined, “As Midterms Loom, Elections Are No Longer Top Priority…

Joseph Vazquez | June 21, 2022

It looks like not even The Associated Press is buying President Joe Biden’s seemingly never-ending list of excuses on the inflation-plagued economy.

AP ripped Biden’s unfounded economic optimism as risking “contribut[ing] to a dissonance…

Joseph Vazquez | June 1, 2022

The New York Times appeared to be tickled pink over liberal-run states shoehorning President Joe Biden’s Disinformation Governance Board idea into their own election governance processes.

The Times technology and regulation reporter…

Joseph Vazquez | May 26, 2022

The Washington Post continued its idiotic comparison of Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) to the self-proclaimed white supremacist Buffalo, New York, mass shooter in an attempt to publicly shame her donors. 

The liberal rag’s hit piece was…

Joseph Vazquez | February 1, 2022

Liberal billionaire George Soros is back to his old tricks, trying to use gigantic cash flows to influence the outcome of U.S. elections. The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows are sweeping it under the rug.

Soros is seeding his…

Brian Bradley | January 19, 2022

The Media Research Center today launched a new initiative to stop Big Tech’s election interference. The MRC sent a letter to congressional staff to collect a comprehensive report of lawmakers censored by Big Tech.

MRC Free Speech America…

Joseph Vazquez | December 29, 2021

The Washington Post tried to whip out the generic “Republicans have pounced” cliché in order to spin some of the attention on skyrocketing prices away from President Joe Biden.

The liberal newspaper released a revealing story headlined, “…