Tony Perkins

Craig Bannister | January 20, 2023

“Once upon a time, if it was a Disney movie, you knew it was going to be safe for children,” Media Research Center (MRC) Founder and President Brent Bozell says at the beginning of a new documentary, “Walt’s Disenchanted Kingdom,” set to…

Autumn Johnson | January 5, 2023

Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry says the release of the “Twitter Files” confirms that the Biden administration colluded with Big Tech to censor particular views online.

Landry joined Family Research Council President Tony Perkins…

Gabriela Pariseau | July 23, 2021

YouTube applied its so-called “medical misinformation” policy more broadly than ever when the platform removed and then later restored content criticizing laws allowing 11-year-olds to be vaccinated without parental consent.

The platform…