
Catherine Salgado | April 27, 2023

Fox News China expert Gordon Chang revealed the startling reason why the Chinese Communist Party is requiring AI to “reflect socialist values” in its new artificial intelligence regulations.

The Communist Chinese government unveiled a…

Jeffrey Clark | November 2, 2022

The George Soros-funded ProPublica is scolding the Biden administration for supposedly caving to Republicans in the so-called “disinformation” fight with just days to go before the midterms. 

ProPublica adopted Ministry of Truth-…

Catherine Salgado | October 6, 2022

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) may have officially shut down its “Disinformation Governance Board,” but it continues to pour millions of dollars into fighting so-called “misinformation”--and restricting free speech.…

Brian Bradley | September 20, 2022

Political motivations drove Facebook’s reported spying on users’ private messages in the lead-up to the 2020 election, Brownstone Institute founder and President Jeffrey Tucker told MRC Free Speech America Thursday.

“The collaboration…

Jeffrey Clark | August 8, 2022

A powerful Dutch banking executive signaled support for personal carbon wallets that would give citizens — and perhaps even a government regulator — the ability to track carbon emissions on a micro scale. Is this an early look at what the U.S.…

Catherine Salgado | July 21, 2022

More than half of Americans want app stores to remove TikTok following revelations that Chinese employees can directly access U.S. user data.

According to a new survey from The Trafalgar Group, 58.6 percent of Americans want TikTok to be…

Alexander Hall | May 9, 2022

Disinformation Governance Board leader Nina Jankowicz has a history of spreading false information herself.

The Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) leader Jankowicz spread false Trump-Russia collusion talking points ranging from the…

Autumn Johnson | April 5, 2022

A report suggested a new chat app for Amazon employees would ban “insensitive” words and phrases.

The Intercept reported that words like “prison,” “plantation,” and “restrooms” would be automatically flagged by an automatic word monitor.…

Gabriela Pariseau | March 17, 2022

If you thought you could easily be anonymous on social media, think again. 

Cybersecurity expert Jeff Kosseff warned that people are losing their ability to be anonymous online. He said he thinks “everyone should be concerned about…

Alexander Hall | August 16, 2021

The potential alliance between the Department of Homeland Security and private companies to spy on Americans has reportedly stoked skepticism across the country ranging from privacy advocates to even government employees.

The Department…

Gabriela Pariseau | June 28, 2021

Americans may have thought that physical marketplaces were safe from Big Tech surveillance. But Amazon is now tracking consumers as they shop at offline markets too.

Amazon recently opened its first full-size Amazon Fresh grocery store…

Joseph Vazquez, Alec Schemmel | February 5, 2021

Fox News host Tucker Carlson tore into Bank of America (BofA) for allegedly searching and releasing private customer data to federal investigators following the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

BofA’s target was blatantly ambiguous: anyone it…

Corinne Weaver | July 15, 2020

Facebook, and Silicon Valley, are both “extremely left-leaning,” according to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. So it should come as no surprise that while progressive employees are given the chance to succeed, those who disagree with them are set up…

Michael Morris | April 2, 2020

Worried about the spread of the coronavirus? Many are, but is allowing the United States government to track people using location data a good idea?

A slim majority of 84 tech experts surveyed have said that the U.S. government should not…

Corinne Weaver | January 2, 2020

Apps collect data about their users. What happens when a foreign government owns that data?

The U.S. military did not want to find out. According to an NBC News report, the Defense Information Systems Agency advised employees to avoid…