Los Angeles Times

Tom Olohan | December 27, 2023

When a reporter lobbed a softball at President Joe Biden, the president took the opportunity to demand further adulation from the media. 

Biden on Dec. 23 fielded a question about how he feels about the economy in 2024, telling a…

Nicholas Schau | December 21, 2023

Los Angeles Times columnist Doyle McManus mourned the fact that Americans disapprove of the Bidenomics disaster.

McManus, a longtime writer for the LA Times, made the crazy claim in a Dec. 18 column that the economy under Biden is now “…

Paiten Iselin | November 4, 2022

Pearl-clutching legacy media outlets and pundits wailed in anguish over Musk's recent acquisition of Twitter.

On this week’s episode of CensorTrack with Paiten, we watched leftists come to terms with the fact that free speech may return…

Joseph Vazquez | June 23, 2022

The Los Angeles Times singlehandedly proved that the liberal media will go to asinine lengths to protect President Joe Biden’s political image even if the economy tumbles into a recession.

The Times released a tone-deaf story that…

Joseph Vazquez | May 26, 2021

New disclosures with the Department of Justice revealed plainly what many have suspected. The liberal media are completely in the tank for communist Chinese propaganda.

The Washington Free Beacon revealed that the Chinese Communist Party-…

Joseph Vazquez | May 13, 2020

A liberal newspaper admitted the public health costs the virus-induced global economic disaster could have on the global population and how its effects could likely outpunch the coronavirus itself.

“The economic devastation wrought by the…

Joseph Vazquez | April 30, 2020

The Los Angeles Times touted a new media lobbying effort to expand federal ad spending by billions of dollars for local media companies.

In a story headlined, “Rocked by coronavirus losses, TV, radio, newspapers seek…

Joseph Vazquez | January 21, 2020

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) said Jan. 16 that President Donald Trump broke the law when he withheld aid from Ukraine. The union for that “independent, nonpartisan” agency naturally supports Democrats. Just don’t…

Joseph Vazquez | October 18, 2019

Spending millions on his own campaign, is liberal billionaire Tom Steyer drawing into question his goal of getting money out of politics?

Steyer spent a whopping $47 million “during the first three months of his presidential bid…

Joseph Vazquez | August 30, 2019

Even 2,600 pages of tax returns weren’t enough for Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer to be truly transparent.

The liberal hedge fund billionaire and “Impeach Trump” activist released the documents on a…

Julia A. Seymour | July 24, 2019

So much for the Fight for $15! Sen. Bernie Sanders, (I-VT), campaign created a PR crisis for himself after staff complaints that they were being paid “poverty wages” got leaked to the press.

That hypocrisy might have hurt him…

Julia A. Seymour | January 29, 2019

Left? Lefter? Leftist? In the quest to see which candidate can be the most liberal, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren called for an “ultra-millionaire tax” to force the wealthy to fork over more to the government…

Julia A. Seymour | November 6, 2018

Billions of dollars are being spent on both sides to influence the outcome of the 2018 midterm elections — much of it from major media figures.

The day before the election, the Los Angeles Times (LAT) profiled the 12 biggest…

Julia A. Seymour | August 8, 2018

California is burning. Multiple wildfires are claiming lives and property and the smoke is so bad, even Yosemite had to be evacuated.

News outlets should be reporting all the factors that contributed to the terrible fires and not…

Julia A. Seymour | May 22, 2018

California is king when it comes to environmental regulations, but the latest decision to mandate solar panels comes at a high price. For homeowners.

Those costs of freedom of choice and almost $10,000 higher construction expenses per…

Julia A. Seymour | April 30, 2018

Superheroes, the naming of a new royal and an adorable child umpire were all more important to ABC, CBS and NBC news than the latest U.S. economic data.

The Commerce Department announced a better-than-expected estimate of GDP — 2.3…

Julia A. Seymour | April 25, 2018

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals clearly had enough of PETA’s monkey business, when it ruled against the animal activists on April 23.

The extreme group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), filed suit as “next…

Julia A. Seymour | February 13, 2018

The February 2018 stock market correction was painful to watch, but the news media exaggerated the situation — piling on panic and blame with descriptions like “crash” and “freefall” — after ignoring most…

Julia A. Seymour | October 4, 2017

The liberal media pounced immediately on the release of President Donald Trump’s outline for tax reform calling it “one big lie,” complaining about tax “cuts for the wealthy,” and saying the plan “stinks.…

Julia A. Seymour | August 30, 2017

As Houston lays flooded by Hurricane Harvey, the liberal media and climate alarmists raced to connect the natural disaster to their manmade global warming agenda in spite of scientific disagreement.

On broadcast and cable news, MSNBC…