Hurricanes Harvey and Irma

Julia A. Seymour | September 11, 2018

Hurricane Florence is heading towards the Carolinas as a Category 4 hurricane — but media hype is making a bad situation even worse. Journalists are already pushing climate change and fantasizing about creating a new category of hurricanes…

Aly Nielsen | September 29, 2017

The number of Americans who see a connection between manmade climate change and hurricanes grew dramatically in the past 12 years.

Given Al Gore, climate alarmists and the liberal media’s persistent climate alarmism throughout that…

Julia A. Seymour | September 22, 2017

Liberal activist Naomi Klein blamed oil and coal companies for the devastation of Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma and called for their prosecution in a recent interview.

Klein appeared on the left-wing Democracy Now! program on Sept.…

Aly Nielsen | September 20, 2017

Left-wing environmental groups peddle global warming alarmism all the time, especially during major hurricane devastation. Turns out those same green groups saw a lot of the other kind of green in the past two years -- $341 million in donations…

Aly Nielsen | September 14, 2017

Celebrities often claim to be concerned about the environment, usually without changing their lavish lifestyles or pollution.

During a telethon fundraiser on Sept. 12, for Harvey and Irma relief, celebrities like Beyonce linked manmade…

Julia A. Seymour | September 13, 2017

Horrible disasters like the recent Category-4 Hurricanes Harvey and Irma focus attention on heart-wrenching stories of lost lives, near misses and property destroyed in the storm or ravaged by looters.

They also have an uncanny way of…

Aly Nielsen | September 12, 2017

Climate alarmist Michael Mann smeared Investor’s Business Daily (IBD) as “inhuman cretins” after it wondered if climate change would get credit for Hurricane Irma being less severe than forecast.

IBD published an…

Julia A. Seymour | September 11, 2017

Even as Hurricane Irma prepared to strike Florida after devastating the Caribbean, discredited former news anchor Dan Rather promoted a Vox story worrying about how climate change is making parts of the state “uninhabitable.”

Aly Nielsen | September 11, 2017

Bill Maher seems to think only climate “deniers” own beach houses.

Hurricane Irma already left more than 6 million people without power and killed at least 42 in Florida and the Caribbean. But as people anxiously awaited the…

Aly Nielsen | September 7, 2017

Even with Texans still recovering from Hurricane Harvey and Florida residents fearing the worst ahead of Hurricane Irma, journalists seized the moment to promote climate change alarmism.

New York Times, ProPublica and Newsweek…

Julia A. Seymour | September 1, 2017

Columbia Journalism Review says journalists should continue tying climate change to Hurricane Harvey. The Soros-funded liberal publication of Columbia University’s journalism school said that although that strategy can be perceived as…

Julia A. Seymour | August 30, 2017

As Houston lays flooded by Hurricane Harvey, the liberal media and climate alarmists raced to connect the natural disaster to their manmade global warming agenda in spite of scientific disagreement.

On broadcast and cable news, MSNBC…