George Clooney

Aly Nielsen | August 23, 2017

ABC’s Good Morning America co-host Lara Spencer gave George and Amal Clooney a pat on the back for giving $1 million to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which has a long history of smearing conservative groups.

Spencer said…

Aly Nielsen | August 22, 2017

Apple’s $1 million donation to the anti-conservative Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) was just the beginning.

Two more groups, J.P. Morgan Chase bank and the Clooney Foundation for Justice, recently announced they would pledged…

Aly Nielsen | January 13, 2016

In a bout of mind boggling hypocrisy, Hollywood multi-millionaires have banded together to oppose the wealth gap and make Wall Street multi-millionaires out to be corrupt fraudsters.

Money Monster, which combines the acting and producing…