
Tom Olohan | February 1, 2024

Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi broke the news that the censorship outfit Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) allegedly misrepresented itself to the IRS to gain tax-exempt status. 

Taibbi exposed the CCDH, or the “digital…

Joseph Vazquez | February 22, 2023

Want to fight global warming? Start rationing like Britain did in World War 2! At least, that’s the idea that “one of Britain’s oldest and most influential newspapers” is promoting.

British publication The Times ran one of the nuttiest…

Catherine Salgado | July 11, 2022

A United Kingdom lawmaker proposed a communist Chinese-style social credit score. Wake up, West!

U.K. Conservative Party lawmaker John Penrose proposed an addition to the anti-free speech Online Safety Bill requiring platforms to…

Catherine Salgado | December 23, 2021

A former police officer won his U.K. Court of Appeal challenge to “hate incidents” guidance from the College of Policing in a big victory for free speech.

Harry Miller had a complaint filed against him after tweeting allegedly “…

Catherine Salgado | November 12, 2021

Who would you trust more for a medical opinion: LinkedIn or a cardiologist? Well, according to LinkedIn, you should trust it. The job networking platform reportedly removed an interview of cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra for discussing an alleged…

Catherine Salgado | November 1, 2021

A proposed law in the United Kingdom (U.K.) would reportedly regulate social media like a “hazard industry,” with new methods of censorship. Free speech advocates should be concerned.

The U.K. Online Safety Bill would allow communications…

Joseph Vazquez | June 3, 2021

So much for the facts. A U.K.-based fact-checking outlet financed by liberal billionaire George Soros tried as early as February 2020, to swat down the idea that COVID-19 had leaked from a laboratory in communist China.

Full Fact…

Alec Schemmel | May 18, 2021

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, admitted he doesn’t know much about the First Amendment, but that didn’t stop him from calling it “bonkers” and blaming social media platforms for trying to “redefine what free speech means.”

The Duke of…

Corinne Weaver | April 30, 2020

Twitter does not seem to have a direct answer as to whether or not it has reduced visibility for President Donald Trump’s Twitter account.

Twitter’s U.K. Head of Government, Public Policy and Philanthropy, Katy Minshall, was…

Julia A. Seymour | May 9, 2019

A week is not a long time. It’s only 1/52nd of a year. But eco-warriors determined to be rid of fossil fuels will latch on to anything to try to prove renewables can shoulder the demand for energy.

Think Progress and EcoWatch did…

Corinne Weaver | February 18, 2019

Foreign governments are preparing to crack down on social media monopolies.

An English House of Commons committee, the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee, released a report claiming Facebook’s flaws were “risking the…

Julia A. Seymour | June 24, 2016

Reacting to the shocking news of Great Britain’s decision to exit the European Union, UK-born Fox Business Network anchor Stuart Varney responded to “fearmongering…

Sam Dorman | June 24, 2016

Warning: Story includes explicit content. The UK’s surprising decision to exit the European Union brought out typical sneering from journalists, as well as warnings that the decision would bring gloom and doom to the country.