Bill Gates

Catherine Salgado | February 9, 2024

Microsoft’s Bing search engine is reportedly censoring content in Communist China to hide the government’s genocide against the Uyghurs.

The New York Post reported on Feb. 8 that it had reviewed Bing image search results for “Uyghur” in…

Catherine Salgado | October 25, 2023

America First Legal has expanded its lawsuit against private-government censorship collusion, adding the Aspen Institute as a defendant.

America First Legal (AFL) added Aspen Institute to a previously filed lawsuit against the Election…

Autumn Johnson | June 1, 2023

Hypocrisy abounds as top executives at Big Tech companies sign an open letter begging mankind to see the development of artificial intelligence as a “global threat” while continuing to reap the benefits of its development.

The Center for…

Catherine Salgado | April 26, 2023

If you thought the medical establishment post-COVID was already questionable, prepare for it to get worse. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more intrusive and creepy all the time. Now OpenAI ChatGPT’s will be let loose on…

Jeffrey Clark | October 20, 2022

CNBC aired a fawning, 10-minute-long, Soviet-style interview with leftist billionaire Bill Gates on raising capital to combat climate change and promote the woke environmental, social and governance (ESG) regime across America. The two-star CNBC…

Joseph Vazquez | October 3, 2022

The same liberal billionaire who’s spending a fortune trying to get the plebeians to eat synthetic beef and quit using fossil fuels is now admitting he can’t force them to adopt eco-extremist habits.

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates…

Jeffrey Clark | August 16, 2022

Liberal billionaire Bill Gates embarked on a campaign to woo Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) in an attempt to gain his support for President Joe Biden’s massive climate bill, according to a new report. 

A new Bloomberg Green report exposed a…

Jeffrey Clark | July 15, 2022

Leftist billionaire Bill Gates announced a historic $20 billion endowment to the woke Gates Foundation on July 13. Gates vowed to help push for more vaccines, “prevent” future pandemics and achieve “gender equality.”

“I am transferring $…

Joseph Vazquez | July 11, 2022

Billionaire Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates flexed his leftist bona fides by advocating for world governments to centralize control over digital payments. 

A June 29 World Bank press release stated that following the COVID-19…

Jeffrey Clark | May 24, 2022

Two notorious leftist billionaires funneled millions into some of the same organizations that attacked Tesla CEO Elon Musk as a threat to democracy. 

Liberal billionaire mega-donor George Soros funded at least five organizations…

Catherine Salgado | May 23, 2022

Disinformation Governance Board advisor Michael Chertoff has a demonstrated anti-conservative bias as well as ties to the leftist, George Soros-funded Aspen Institute.

The Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) may be paused, but…

Catherine Salgado | May 3, 2022

Bill Gates took to Twitter to claim that the reversal of Roe v. Wade would “set us back 50 years.” The tweet came during a huge controversy over a leaked U.S. Supreme Court document revealing that SCOTUS will vote to repeal the decision that…

Catherine Salgado | March 2, 2022

“‘Fact checking’ is just a euphemism for the Ministry of Truth. It is not about 'facts,'” journalist Kyle Becker tweeted about biased NewsGuard.

Becker News CEO Kyle Becker pointed out on Twitter that the rating site NewsGuard partners…

Joseph Vazquez | February 28, 2022

Podcaster and comedian Joe Rogan is clearly fed up with uber-liberal mega-billionaire Bill Gates and his incessant claims that meat-eating is sinful and unhealthy, while at the same time allegedly not being in the best shape himself.

Joseph Vazquez | January 18, 2022

An international network of so-called “fact-checking” organizations funded by massive liberal organizations called on YouTube to censor more content the network disagrees with.

The leftist International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), a…

Joseph Vazquez | September 23, 2021

One of the world’s richest practitioners of eco-hypocrisy is getting tens of millions in funding from a fossil fuel investment giant for his climate change fight. 

Liberal billionaire Bill Gates has reportedly secured over $1 billion…

Joseph Vazquez | March 30, 2021

An organization backed with millions of dollars from liberal billionaires Bill Gates and George Soros has launched a commission led by radical liberals to fight “mis- and disinformation.”

The commission, dubbed the Aspen…

Joseph Vazquez | February 16, 2021

The grantmaking foundation of climate change fanatic Bill Gates has still been dumping millions of dollars into the taxpayer-funded National Public Radio.

This alone should be enough cause to revoke the outlet’s public funding.

Joseph Vazquez | February 15, 2021

Liberal billionaire Bill Gates made a shocking confession that made his climate change activism reek of hypocrisy.

CNN anchor Anderson Cooper surprisingly decided to corner Gates on the extreme amount of “greenhouse gas”…

Joseph Vazquez | January 22, 2021

Not even a full day had gone by in President Joe Biden’s administration, and Big Tech had already taken to Twitter to do public relations for his leftist agenda.

Twitter, Amazon, IBM, Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google CEO…