Bill DeBlasio

Jeffrey Clark | April 12, 2022

The Rev. Al Sharpton targeted the liberal elite in a fiery anti-woke sermon on inflation.

Sharpton pummeled woke elitists during his appearance on the April 11 edition of MSNBC’s Morning Joe. The topic was the Democratic outlook for the…

Julia A. Seymour | January 12, 2018

The mayor of New York City is suing the five largest oil companies in the world over climate change.

Far left New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said on Jan. 10, his city was suing BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch…

Aly Nielsen | July 22, 2015

Liberal NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio recently called for a regulatory attack on ride-sharing company Uber. This set off actor Ashton Kutcher who criticized the mayor’s proposals on Twitter and Facebook calling this an example of “corrupt…

Aly Nielsen | May 12, 2015

NBC Meet the Press host Chuck Todd announced on Sunday they were starting a new series called "Meet the Money: The Billionaire Donors." They started with GOP-backing Sheldon Adelson. When will they get to George Soros?