Al Jazeera

Luis Cornelio | June 12, 2024

Despite its deep ties to terrorism and anti-Semitism, Al Jazeera continues to receive a highly favorable score from media ratings firm Ad Fontes.

Earlier this week, Israeli armed forces rescued three hostages from the Gaza home of…

Catherine Salgado | March 9, 2022

Does biased NewsGuard automatically favor state-affiliated media? The liberal online “credibility” arbiter gave seven traditionally non-autocratic state-affiliated media outlets around the world an average score of 98.6/100.

MRC Free…

Alec Schemmel | July 1, 2021

The Facebook Oversight Board is once again changing how it operates. The pseudo-regulatory body has decided to take up a case entailing not only the removal, but also the reinstatement, of a pro-Hamas post originating from the verified page of…

Corinne Weaver | December 16, 2019

Facebook announced a new policy to label state-funded media on its platform. Qatar-backed outlet Al Jazeera has a problem with that.

In a letter sent by the media outlet’s lawyers to Facebook’s Vice President Jennifer Gillian…