Catholic Connect
Case #

Instagram disables account of social networking platform for Catholics: Catholic Connect is a social networking platform that connects Catholics to help them engage and connect with one another. The organizations Instagram account, with more than 273,000 followers, was disabled over two alleged copyright violations. The CEO of Catholic Connect, Richy Orozco, told Catholic News Agency (CNA) "that the first of the two copyright infringement complaints came from an Instagram account that had asked Catholic Connect to share one of its videos of a procession outside a Catholic church," the Catholic news outlet reported. "Orozco said he reached out to the account that owned the video immediately, but received no response," reported CNA. The second copyright infringement complaint was levied against a second video Instagram claimed was posted by Catholic Connect, but neither Orozco nor his team recognized it as having been something the Catholic Connect account had posted. “Your account has been reported multiple times for violating someone else's rights," said a notification email from Instagram, which Orozco shared with CNA. "We previously warned you that if you continued to infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties, your account would be disabled.” Catholic Connect is appealing their account's removal. In the meantime they have created a new account: @CatholicConnect2.0.        

Account Disabled
Account Disabled
Account Disabled
Account Disabled
Account Disabled
Account Disabled
Account Disabled
Account Disabled
Account Disabled