Case #

Twitter suspends British NHS whistleblower: Twitter suspended a user who goes by what appears to be an online pseudonym "Sai," who is known on Twitter for writing a long tweet thread explaining "The truth about the Covid-19 pandemic from within The NHS (Ex Director of End of Life Care at one of the largest hospital trusts in the UK)."  Twitter suspended the user for a tweet posted "a few months back," according to the user's Substack newsletter. "It was my first ever email concerning this. Twitter had flagged up a tweet from a few months back, where I had commented on an individuals [sic] tweet that was pushing C19 vaccinations to the public and children," Sai said in the Substack post. Screenshots that Sai shared in the substack post indicate that Sai responded to the other user pushing the COVID-19 vaccine for children with a tweet that read “Just more fairytale explanations. He needs to be in jail or taken to the gallows.” Twitter removed the tweet and suspended Sai's account, claiming: "Your account, TheOriginalSai has been suspended for violating the Twitter Rules. Specifically, for: Violating our rules against violent speech." Sai added that "The tweet was never flagged up previously, there was no correspondence or warning from Twitter to notify me of any violation. There was no temporary suspension. There was no contact asking me to take down this tweet. Only a sudden email to explain I have violated their rules on violent speech." Sai has created a new Twitter account since the suspension which appears to be active as of July 28, 2023.

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