Paul Sperry
Case #

Twitter censors tweet about Georgia ballots by Paul Sperry, former DC bureau chief for IBD: Paul Sperry, former bureau chief for Investor's Business Daily and Hoover Institution media fellow, tweeted about presidential election ballots in Georgia. He said: "BREAKING: The suspiciously pristine Biden mail-in ballots auditors flagged in Fulton County not only had no mailing creases and not only appeared to be on different paper stock, but also contained perfectly filled-out ovals that appeared to be marked with toner instead of by hand." Twitter added a label to this tweet reading: "This claim about election fraud is disputed." The link clicks through to a Twitter information page titled "No evidence of widespread voter fraud in Georgia during US presidential election, state and federal officials say." It contains an unattributed summary of this issue, points that you "need to know," and relevant tweets from liberal media sources.

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