Mark Levin
Case #

CNN's Oliver Darcy made a complaint on Twitter about a post from Fox News cable host Mark Levin that said the U.S. never surpassed 200,000 coronavirus deaths and that only 6% have died from the virus alone. "One of the most-engaged links on Facebook in last 24 hours is from right-wing radio host Mark Levin who claims the coronavirus death toll in the US is not more than 200,000. Pure virus trutherism. No fact-check from Facebook." Darcy tweeted. Facebook's head of policy communications, Andy Stone, directly replied to Darcy's complaint on Twitter, stating the content had violated their COVID-19 misinformation guidelines and had been promptly removed. "Thanks, Oliver. This post violates our policies against spreading harmful misinformation about COVID-19 since it misstates CDC data about the deadliness of the disease. We've removed it." Stone tweeted.     

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