David Sacks
Case #

X community adds a context note to David Sacks post: Venture capitalist David Sacks posted a response in a discussion about why NATO continues to exist and why nations in Central and Europe would want to join it, saying "Yeah I wonder why." The post included an infographic "Breaking down $1.3T in NATO Defense Spending 2023E" that claimed to be "based on current prices and exchange rates. Figures represent estimates. Source: NATO (July 2023)." The graphic showed the United States spending $860B, with Germany spending the next most at $68.1B, followed by the UK at $65.8B and France at $56.6B. Other countries included those spending as little as $5.08B. The X community added a note to the post that read: "Readers added context they thought people might want to know. This is not the actual amount of money that is being spent towards NATO, but the total defense budget of the United States. Budget Presentation by the DoD: comptroller.defense.gov/Portals/45/Doc…" The label is part of X’s Community Notes system. X users are able to sign up as contributors to add context to posts. X owner Elon Musk shared that any post with a Community Note added to it will be demonetized. The Community Notes account on X also posted that notices will be pushed to users who previously engaged with a post when a Community Note is added to it later. 

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