Amy Kremer
Case #

Twitter labels a tweet promoting the #MarchForTrump bus stopping in Bowling Green, KY: Amy Kremer tweeted a promotion for the #MarchForTrump bus at a stop in Kentucky. Twitter added a warning label to her tweet that read, "This claim about election fraud is disputed." Kremer's tweet included this statement: "Senator @RandPaul, come join us & pledge to contest the electoral college for states in which we know there was voter fraud." She also included a few hashtags, like #DoNotCertify and #StopTheSteal. The label that Twitter applied to her tweet links to Twitter's voter fraud information page, titled "Voter fraud of any kind is exceedingly rare in the US, election experts confirm." This page includes an unattributed summary of this issue, as well as what Twitter deems to be "What you need to know" about the issue. It also includes multiple tweets from liberal media Twitter accounts about the major points that Twitter deems important about this issue.

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