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Dozens of members of the Free Speech Alliance sent a letter to Twitter owner Elon Musk requesting for him to meet with conservative leaders to discuss methods to promote free speech on the Big Tech platform following years of massive censorship. The Media Research Center's CensorTrack database has currently logged over 4,800 cases of censorship across a litany of Big Tech platforms, and cases from Twitter make up over 55 percent of that number. You can read the entire letter below. 

Dear Mr. Musk,

We are so grateful for everything you are doing to defend and preserve free speech.

The great majority of Americans have long suspected that the social media platforms have been censoring speech, shadowbanning accounts and throttling posts. Despite the repeated denials by Twitter, Facebook and Google, we knew better. The proof was always on full display every time a person logged on to a social media account.

Twitter’s censorship, executed at the behest of various government entities, was illegal. We have repeatedly called out this illegal activity and demanded a full accounting of it. The day of reckoning is at hand. 

The 100 members of the Free Speech Alliance applaud you for taking swift action to identify and expose your company’s previous hateful actions against people they disagreed with. Twitter’s recent disclosures have focused on well-known conservative figures, but Twitter’s greater sin was its actions directed at countless individual Americans across the country. Most of these victims work hard every day to provide for themselves and their families, and their identities are not well-known. We have their stories and we have the evidence. 

There are thousands of documented cases of Twitter silencing Americans in, a database created and maintained by the Media Research Center, with the support of members of the Free Speech Alliance, to fight for everyday Americans whose free speech rights are under constant assault by Big Tech. 

In fact, 55 percent of the total number of documented cases in CensorTrack (2,604 out of 4,748 cases) occurred at the hands of Twitter employees. While abuses at Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and other platforms are extremely serious and must be rectified, Twitter’s direct efforts to muzzle dissenting voices exceeded all others combined. 

Twitter must hear from these Americans, too. 

We invite you to meet with the Free Speech Alliance so the new Twitter can better investigate and expose the extent of its harmful actions perpetrated against millions of people and make sure it never happens again. Justice cannot be achieved until every wrong is righted. The full scope of Twitter’s censorship must be made public. Every user who was shadowbanned or had their content limited in some manner must be made aware of how and when that censorship took place.  

We recognize the efforts at transparency since you purchased the platform, but the only way to restore trust in Twitter is through radical transparency and user empowerment, which starts with exposing all past acts of censorship to the light of day. We look forward to working with you on this vital project.


L. Brent Bozell III

Founder and President

Media Research Center


Saul Anuzis


American Association of Senior Citizens


Rachel Bovard

Conservative Partnership Institute


Ryan Bomberger

Co-founder & Chief Creative Officer

The Radiance Foundation


Floyd Brown


Western Journal


Lou Cordia

Cordia & Associates


Ed Corrigan

Conservative Partnership Institute


Hon. Kenneth "Ken" Cuccinelli, II

Former Acting Deputy Secretary, DHS

Former Attorney General of Virginia


Marjorie Dannenfelser

Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America


Steven Ertelt



Kevin D. Freeman

Founder, NSIC Institute


Mark J. Fitzgibbons

President of Corporate Affairs

American Target Advertising Inc


Josh Hammer

Internet Accountability Project 


Joseph M. Humire

Executive Director

Center for a Secure Free Society


Randy Long

Long Family Office


James Martin


60 Plus Association


Jenny Beth Martin

Honorary Chairman

Tea Party Patriots Action


Christie-Lee McNally

Raven Strategies



Gene Mills


Louisiana Family Forum Office


Stephen Moore 

Committee to Unleash Prosperity


Michael Morris


MRC Free Speech America


Tony Perkins


Family Research Council


Dace Potas


Lone Conservative


Austin Ruse


Center for Family & Human Rights


Anne Schlafly Cori

Eagle Forum


Terry Schilling


American Principles Project


Dan Schneider

Vice President

Media Research Center


Jon Schweppe

Director of Policy

American Principles Project


Eunie Smith

President Emeritus

Eagle Forum


Grace-Marie Turner

Galen Institute


Lieutenant Colonel Allen B. West (U.S. Army, Retired) 

Member, 112th U.S. Congress 

Former Chairman, Republican Party of Texas  


Ryan P. Williams

President, Claremont Institute

Publisher, Claremont Review of Books; The American Mind


Kris Ullman


Eagle Forum


Deborah Weiss

Attorney and Free Speech Advocate