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In a Tuesday appearance on the Fox Business Network’s The Evening Edit, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell called out the liberal Big Tech companies and media for their “censorship” of the Hunter Biden laptop story that has recently been confirmed by The New York Times. He also called out their double standard for scrutinizing the business dealing of presidential adult children.

“Brent, how is the media doing covering this story,” asked anchor Elizabeth MacDonald, noting how “[i]t could have affected the entire election.”

Recalling the poll the MRC conducted following the 2020 election, Bozell pointed out that if Twitter had not aggressively cracked down on the story and the liberal media had actually covered it, it could have swung voters from Biden:

Well, yeah. And we documented it, Liz. If you looked at the coverage of the Hunter Biden scandal, 9.4 percent in a national survey we took, 9.4 percent of Biden’s voters said they would not have voted for Joe Biden had they known. Almost 50 percent of Biden’s voters have never heard about this.



“Censorship,” Bozell pointedly deduced. “We all know that Trump was censored – and that his campaign was censored on Twitter – but what people don't realize is that, how many times he was censored before he was officially knocked off Twitter? 625 different times. How many times was Joe Biden censored by big media? Not once.”

Adding: “And this is the difference between how they treat Democrats and Republicans.”

Later in the segment, Bozell brought up a recent study by NewsBusters documenting how it’s been 259 days since the broadcast networks have mentioned Hunter Biden’s name and called out their double standard for scrutiny:

Look, we say it over and over again and it needs to be said again and again, what would have been the media's reaction had Don, Jr. been on air force one traveling with his dad, cutting deals with the Chinese government when he left the country? What would be the media reaction if they found Eric Trump's laptop and on it he had a deal with 10 percent going to the quote, unquote, “big man?” The media wouldn't sleep until they got to the bottom of this.

“This is a deliberate attempt to keep the truth from the American people. There’s no easy way of saying that,” he said.

He concluded with how “they’ll cover anything, any allegation about Donald Trump. But what you got is hard evidence about the Bidens. Notice this: never once have Bidens ever disputed this laptop.”

The transcript is below, click "expand" to read:

Fox Business Network’s The Evening Edit
March 29, 2022
6:28:43 p.m. Eastern


ELIZABETH MACDONALD: Brent, how is the media doing covering this story? It could have affected the entire election.

BRENT BOZELL: Well, yeah. And we documented it, Liz. If you looked at the coverage of the Hunter Biden scandal, 9.4 percent in a national survey we took, 9.4 percent of Biden’s voters said they would not have voted for Joe Biden had they known. Almost 50 percent of Biden’s voters have never heard about this.

Censorship, Liz. Here’s something and the Congressman will enjoy this one. We all know that Trump was censored – and that his campaign was censored on Twitter – but what people don't realize is that, how many times he was censored before he was officially knocked off Twitter? 625 different times. How many times was Joe Biden censored by big media? Not once. And this is the difference between how they treat Democrats and Republicans.


6:30:20 p.m. Eastern

MACDONALD: You know, the watchdog group to the congressman's point, Brent, Poynter – the Poynter group, they report that they are censoring, that big tech is censoring on their own without waiting for fact-checkers or news outlets to report into them. And by the way Twitter has been silent now on just how they sensor the New York Post story. They're silent of whether the Biden campaign reached out to them and talked to them about blocking the story.

The Biden campaign, Brent, you know this, was bullying journalists who were saying you're committing journalistic malpractice if you step in and cover stuff we don't want you to cover. And Twitter and Facebook have been silent. The media has been silent about The New York Times saying it authenticated Hunter Biden's laptop emails.

By the way let's get to congressman Darrell Issa. Brent, I’m sorry I took a lot of time there. But Republican Congressman Darrell Issa he’s the guy telling us that, yeah, he wants Twitter, Facebook, the intelligence officials called on the carpet. Watch this.

[Cuts to video]

REP. DARRELL ISSA (R-CA): There is a second Russian collusion charge which is the one done by Brennan and Clapper in concert with Facebook and others and The New York Times, that made the election, election about false information rather than the real information which was that Hunter Biden, flying on Air Force Two, had been doing business with some pretty unseemly people and making a fortune doing it and giving 10 percent to the big guy.

[Cuts back to live]

MCDONALD: Brent, what do you say?

BOZELL: Look, we say it over and over again and it needs to be said again and again, what would have been the media's reaction had Don, Jr. been on air force one traveling with his dad, cutting deals with the Chinese government when he left the country? What would be the media reaction if they found Eric Trump's laptop and on it he had a deal with 10 percent going to the quote, unquote, “big man?” The media wouldn't sleep until they got to the bottom of this.

This is a deliberate attempt to keep the truth from the American people. There’s no easy way of saying that.

MACDONALD: But the media had covered Ivanka Trump going into China making deals. Right?

BOZELL: Well, they’ll cover anything, any allegation about Donald Trump. But what you got is hard evidence about the Bidens. Notice this: never once have Bidens ever disputed this laptop.
