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Former President Donald Trump had strong words against Big Tech censorship ahead of the Republican primaries.

Speaking at the Sept. 29 California GOP Fall 2023 Convention, Trump blasted what he described as “Silicon Valley tyrants” and pledged to hold them accountable for their “illegal” censorship scheme if elected U.S. President in 2024.“We will make the Silicon Valley Tech tyrants answer for their illegal censorship,” Trump told a crowd in Los Angeles. “We will restore free speech in America,” he continued.

During the speech, Trump also drew attention to the damning allegations found in The Twitter Files, revealed through a series of journalist investigations that exposed the extent to which Big Tech colluded with the federal government to violate the First Amendment. “What they did during the election was horrible,” Trump said. “They call it ‘Twitter Files.’”

Among its findings, the Twitter Files revealed that the FBI actively pressured Big Tech platforms to censor free speech. Just last month, the House Judiciary Committee subpoenaed FBI Special Agent Elvis Chan who reportedly led the censorship of politically damning information revealed in a New York Post expose of the Biden family.

Trump also blasted an infamous letter spearheaded by Secretary of State Antony Blinken aimed at undermining the Hunter Biden laptop bombshell as Russian “disinformation.” The letter, alongside the FBI’s priming, prompted social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook to censor the story in the weeks leading to the contentious 2020 presidential election.

Notably, the laptop’s contents just happen to be at the center of a congressional Republican-led impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden. Despite Biden’s previous claims, the laptop’s content, in addition to an FBI informant file and whistleblower testimony, unveiled what House Republicans described as a bribery scheme aimed at enriching the Biden family by peddling influence to foreign entities.

Conservatives are under attack. Contact your representatives and demand that Big Tech be held to account to mirror the First Amendment while providing transparency, clarity on so-called “hate speech” and equal footing for conservatives. If you have been censored, contact us using CensorTrack’s contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.