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Google has finally decided to lift its ban on political ads, just in time for the Georgia runoff elections. 

The search engine paused new political ads since Election Day for fear of misinformation, but it has now apparently decided to reinstate these ads just under a month before Georgia voters will decide which party will control the United States Senate.

Google announced: “This week, we are lifting this pause and allowing advertisers to continue running election-related ads on our platforms, as long as they comply with our global advertising policies,” on Dec. 9.

The left, however, does not appear to be entirely pleased, since Facebook has not joined Google in lifting its political ad ban yet. Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Executive Director Scott Fairchild said: “With less than a week to go before early voting starts in Georgia, Google’s decision to lift their ban on political ads is long overdue, but this is positive news and Facebook must do the same,” according to a tweet from Politico reporter James Arkin

Google and Facebook’s ad bans had Democrats outraged in the Georgia runoff senate races between Sen.Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) and Democratic challenger Rev. Raphael Warnock, and between Sen David Perdue (R-GA) and Democratic challenger Jon Ossoff. 

Yet, it wasn’t so long ago, back in April, that Google flip-flopped on its COVID-19-related ad policy after it sparked outrage from some Democrats. DSPolitical Chief Technology Officer Mark Jablonowski, argued: “To not allow political candidates to mention or discuss COVID-19 is something that has the potential to dramatically bolster Trump's and Republicans' chances of reelection," according to Protocol.

The Georgia runoff elections are “essentially a rematch that is held when none of the candidates meet the criteria for winning. Under Georgia law, candidates must receive a majority of the vote to win an election. If no candidate breaks 50 percent, the top two vote-getters then face off again in a runoff election to determine the winner,” according to The New York Times

Conservatives are under attack. Contact Google at 1-650-253-0000 and demand that Big Tech be held to account to mirror the First Amendment while providing transparency, clarity on “hate speech” and equal footing for conservatives. If you have been censored, contact us at the Media Research Center contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.