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Leftist billionaire George Soros’ ungodly fortune is leaving a dark legacy on American culture and society. Apparently, that legacy included moonlighting as a Minister of Truth by dumping millions of dollars into fighting the leftist catch-all boogeyman of so-called “disinformation” online and across the globe.

Soros poured $14,853,765 into at least 50 groups for the express purpose of railing against “disinformation” online and elsewhere between 2017-2021 alone, according to Open Society Foundations records. The Soros-funded groups found in MRC Free Speech America’s tally included radicalized organizations engineered to fight against “disinformation” disseminated by users on Big Tech platforms. One U.S.-based grant, for example, went to a leftist group called the Institute for Strategic Dialogue “to detect and expose online activity that poses a threat to the health of the US information environment,” which is another way of saying “information” that doesn’t comport with leftist propaganda. Another grant to the leftist Aspen Institute Germany was for the purpose of engaging “online influencers in the fight against disinformation and strengthen[ing] a fact-based information ecosystem in Germany in the run-up to the 2021 federal elections.” 

"There's an unholy alliance between Big Media, Big Tech and left-wing big donors," MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider said in a statement. "We've previously shown how George Soros influences media by funding hundreds of outlets all over the world. Now, we've discovered how he is also funding left-wing nonprofits to silence conservatives using this pernicious term 'disinformation,' which really means silencing people whose political views are contrary to the left." Schneider analyzed that Soros is a "clever guy who's bringing together left-wing media and left-wing organizations to erase the conservative voice."

The group that received the most “disinformation” funding was the dark money behemoth Sixteen Thirty Fund, which received a whopping $3,500,000 split between two grants in 2020 alone. One of the grant’s purposes was to fight so-called “racialized disinformation.” Sixteen Thirty Fund is the same group that unleashed $410 million to defeat President Donald Trump and seize the Senate for Democrats during the 2020 election. One of the Fund’s wild projects, Fix Our Senate, attempted to kill the Senate filibuster.

Soros and his leftist cohorts’ newspeak concept of “disinformation” typically denotes any information that undercuts their political talking points across a plethora of hot-button issues. One grant of $250,000 was made for the leftist dark money giant Proteus Fund’s radical ReFrame project to “train strategists and movement leaders in narrative change transformation in order to combat mis/disinformation and increase understanding of race, class, gender, and climate.” Reading ReFrame’s “About” section on its website underscores the extremist cultural Marxism that it embraces: 

The concepts of justice communications and decolonizing communications come from a lineage of women and people of color who have spearheaded effective change campaigns for racial, gender, economic, health, and environmental justice.

ReFrame released a report in March 2023 during the cringe “Trans Day of Visibility” pushing for “trans athletes” competing in women’s sports. “Despite conservative and authoritarian forces in the U.S. and across the globe aiming to erase trans people from public life – trans, gender non-conforming and non-binary people resist with joy and dignity not just for survival but to live whole lives,” ReFrame spewed in its blog promoting the report. The report, which can either be read or listened to, actually included a “Trigger warning” due to “the analysis outlined below includ[ing] anti-trans language.” Soros apparently considers narratives that don’t align with the rainbow mafia agenda to be “disinformation.” 

Part of Soros’ “disinformation” campaign also includes fueling money into racially-charged groups that push for defunding the police. Soros gave $450,000 to the radical Color of Change group for the purpose of supporting “policy advocacy on disinformation and platform accountability.” Color of Change pushed a 2020 Marxist effort to defund police foundations. The group was also a signatory to an unhinged coalition of Soros-funded groups demanding Twitter, Meta, TikTok and YouTube up the ante on their censorship operations prior to the 2022 midterms. In fact, MRC Business unearthed $80 million in Soros funding to groups specifically for the purpose of pressuring Big Tech writ large to censor more prior to the midterms.

But that’s not all.

The radical Institute for Strategic Dialogue, which threw a hissy fit over X (formerly Twitter) owner Elon Musk engaging with so-called “right-wing” Twitter, received at least $1,123,469 in “disinformation” funding Soros between 2020 and 2021. One grant was to “support research, analysis and education on disinformation efforts targeting the US Presidential Election.” ISD became notorious for haranguing Musk for daring to interact with accounts it blacklisted. ISD’s blacklist included satire site The Babylon Bee, Psychologist Jordan Peterson, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, Libs of TikTok and social media influencer Ian Miles Cheong. ISD even labeled left-wing journalist Glenn Greenwald as a “right-wing account.” 

Soros seems to get a kick out of making George Orwell’s 1984 concept of a Ministry of Truth a reality. 

METHODOLOGY: MRC Free Speech America searched the Open Society Foundations grant database for any mention of the word “disinformation” as part of the purpose of specific grants given to particular groups to include in the tally. 

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