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The sky is falling! A state media outlet is using its massive budget to spread government propaganda about so-called “disinformation” possibly causing “election violence.” In other words, it's calling for censorship.

Voice of America, which is funded by taxpayers and boasted a $257 million annual budget in FY2021, ran a nutty story that read like a White House press release headlined: “Officials Fear Disinformation Could Spark US Election Violence.”

VOA National Security Correspondent Jeff Seldin teed up his propaganda: “With just one week to go until the U.S. midterm elections, a key senior U.S. official is expressing concerns that misinformation, or influence operations by U.S. adversaries, could ignite violence at the polls.”

He continued: “State and local officials have also reported seeing more calls for violence on social media, including threats against election officials and some calls for a civil war.” 

Seldin’s primary sources? Biden administration flunkies such as Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) mastermind and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in addition to Biden’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency Director Jen Easterly

Seldin undercut his own story in the second paragraph by acknowledging that Department of Homeland Security and FBI officials “said they have found no traces of specific or credible threats to the November 8 vote.” But that didn’t stop Seldin from elevating Easterly’s election scaremongering, who reportedly grumbled: “‘You've got disinformation and misinformation, which can be used by foreign adversaries to sow discord among the American people to undermine confidence in the integrity of our elections and to incite violence against election officials.’”

Seldin also turned to comments by Mayorkas, who propagandized that “‘[i]t is a very sad state of affairs when election officials are worried about their security. … We have reports of a number of election officials expressing concern.’" 

Seldin conveniently didn’t mention anything about the notorious DGB under Mayorkas’ DHS or how it was exposed for allegedly coordinating with Big Tech companies like Twitter and Facebook to target Americans. 

The Voice of America propagandist continued to rely upon DHS “officials” for comments to spice up his reporting. “‘Myriad conspiracy theories continue to proliferate, with various narratives associated with false claims about the [2020] election," said DHS Assistant Secretary Samantha Vinograd, noting those claims ‘have a historical basis in cementing clear and credible violence.’"

That’s the same leftist Vinograd who once compared former President Donald Trump to Nazi tyrant Adolf Hitler during a segment on CNN in 2019. She was a national security analyst with the network at the time. Of course, Seldin didn’t bother mentioning this bit of objectivity-wrecking context either.



Seldin undercut himself again by acknowledging that Biden’s posse in Washington D.C. still haven’t found a direct link between so-called “disinformation” and “violence,” but proceeded to push the government talking points any way:

While senior U.S. officials have yet to draw a direct link between specific disinformation and specific cases of election-related violence, they say there is no doubt adversaries such as Russia, China and Iran have consistently pushed to increase political tensions within the U.S, [emphasis added.]


Conservatives are under attack. Contact your representative in Congress and request they #DefundVOA.