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The Associated Press is throwing a hissy fit that Big Tech companies like Facebook and Twitter aren’t doing enough to censor political speech before the midterm elections.

The liberal outlet whined in an Oct. 21 piece that “misinformation about voting and elections abounds on social media despite promises by tech companies to address a problem blamed for increasing polarization and distrust.” AP joins a growing chorus of liberal media outlets like The New York Times banging the same drum trying to get Big Tech to listen to their screeching and shut their political opponents up. 

AP raised alarm that there’s “less than three weeks before the polls close.” The propaganda piece’s headline made it sound like an Information Armageddon is approaching: “Social media platforms brace for midterm elections mayhem.” Take cover! 

AP even attempted to make it appear that Big Tech’s allowance of  election speech to trend on their platforms could lead to violence.

“While platforms like Twitter, TikTok, Facebook and YouTube say they’ve expanded their work to detect and stop harmful claims that could suppress the vote or even lead to violent confrontations,” reported the rag. “[A] review of some of the sites shows they’re still playing catch-up with 2020, when then-President Donald Trump’s lies about the election he lost to Joe Biden helped fuel an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.”

AP wielded media intelligence firm Zignal Labs to complain that “[m]entions of a ‘stolen election’ and ‘voter fraud’ have soared in recent months and are now two of the three most popular terms included in discussions of this year’s election.” 

AP couldn’t stop seething over what it deemed to be Big Tech’s inconsistency in hammering election-related opinions they disagree with. “[P]olicies intended to stop harmful misinformation about elections aren’t always enforced consistently,” wrote AP “misinformation” reporter David Klepper. “False claims can often be buried deep in the comments section, for instance, where they nonetheless can leave an impression on other users.” 

It’s unclear what monarch knighted the liberal AP as the infallible gatekeeper of online truth.

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