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Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) weighed in on an explosive MRC report on Fox Business, calling the MRC’s discovery that the Department of Homeland Security funded anti-terrorism efforts targeting Americans “really scary,” but “consistent.” 

Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo brought up findings from a new Media Research Center report. “[MRC] obtained documents that show that the Department of Homeland Security is using a program meant to fight terrorists and they’re likening groups like the Heritage Foundation, MAGA, Fox News, the RNC and they’re comparing all of those to Nazis.” Jordan responded saying that the revelation is “really scary,” but “frankly, consistent,” with the seemingly non-stop reports of government corruption and weaponization.

“This is now this pattern, this mindset that I think exists in way too many of the top people in these federal agencies,” he said.  

Jordan noted that this abominable use of taxpayer dollars is yet another example of the weaponization of the federal government that has come out over the last year. “Remember this is the same agency, the Department of Homeland Security, who tried to set up the disinformation governance board,” he said. “This is the same government where the Richmond field office of the FBI tried to say that if you’re a pro-life Catholic, they view you as extremist. This is how ridiculous it’s gotten.” 

He also noted President Biden’s Independence Hall speech last fall. “He stood in front of independence hall with that eerie background that he had and gave that ridiculous speech where he called half the country fascist.”

The new MRC Free Speech America exposé uncovered as part of its new Freedom of Information Act investigations that the DHS-funded PREVENTS-OH program at the University of Dayton produced a so-called “pyramid of far-right radicalization.”

The pyramid, which was presented at a seminar by a self-proclaimed Antifa member, categorized various political groups and associated them with hateful neo-Nazis and terrorists. The Antifa member’s pyramid included groups like The Heritage Foundation, Fox News, Christian Broadcasting Network, PragerU, Breitbart, and Tea Party Patriots, as if they had anything to do with Nazis.

Earlier in the broadcast, MRC Founder Brent Bozell slammed DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for “taking government funding — meant to find terrorists — and he’s going after Fox News. He believes, Maria, that you’re a terrorist. I’m a terrorist. Anybody with the [Republican National Committee is] a terrorist. Anybody reading Breitbart.”



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